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Ride in a hot air balloon
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On 6,479 lists and 504 people have done it.
in 2021 july Cappadokia, Turkey
Not likely to happen due to covid :(
Went in Vegas with Jen and Katie. Dad bought us the tickets. Great time, very cool.
8/10/14 - Hot Air Balloon Ride - Check! Found out a local orchard was doing tethered rides for only $5 where all proceeds went to the CT Children's Medical Center! Win-Win! The ride was quick and the basket we stood in seemed really short for our long legs lol but it was def worth the drive to say I've done it!
I hope to achieve this one next year (July 2015) at the Ashland County Balloonfest
Purchased the AmazonLocal voucher and have scheduled my ride for August 16th at 6:30 AM.

Got a call that there was a cancellation and I got my ride in July 26th! It was so cool!
In Hamburg, the first city of my Central Europe trip, I noticed there was a tethered hot air balloon tourist attraction but didn't get to go because it was too windy and not running on my last day there. So I thought I may have missed out, but then found there was another in Berlin. I went on the day my girlfriend was off cycling around the city and I had some time on my own.

The balloon goes up over the area where a lot of the wall used to be, near Checkpoint Charlie. It fits maybe 15 people or so and goes up for 15 minutes, for 19€. The balloon has a tether though the middle so the platform is shaped like a bagel that you can walk around.

I know it's a tethered hot air balloon, so not quite the same as the higher ones, but I'm satisfied - particularly as my girlfriend doesn't want to go at all so I wouldn't necessarily want to do the very expensive high ones without her.
Researched best places to ride a hot air balloon.
with a view of Disneyland Paris!
Tried again last Monday, but still too windy. Wondering if we will ever get up in the bloody balloon!!!
Good Friday was cancelled, only the 6th try! Will book it again at some point!
Booked for Good Friday.
Planned for next year for my birthday
Quechee VT or Kennebunkport ME
Tickets bought....fingers crossed next month or April