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Host a board games night
Encourage guests to bring their favorite games; it adds variety and sparks interesting conversations.
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On 1,114 lists and 258 people have done it.
Lots of fun! Good food, good company, a hilarious game of Cards Against Humanity and a slightly drunken couple of games of Traitors, fun but messed up by me forgetting how banishments worked. Never mind!
Planned for 6th January 2024, for my birthday.
We had a great time playing Monopoly with our best friends, enjoying tasty food, and rocking out to 80s songs. It was an unforgettable night !
Hosted a games night with Kelly
Obviously the times necessitate a much smaller gathering for board game night than we might have wanted... That's okay. Fun times were had. Games were played. This one is called Chez Geek and, while not a board game, is worth the time.
Game night with the Renich's
Gloom, Werewolf, Cards against humanity,
Hosted a game night November 2016; played Cards Against Humanity
Set date for 05 of feb :D
Christmas Party 2K15
Have done more than 10 game nights over the post couple of years and plan to do many more!
Started a board game club at work!
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Board game
Board games are tabletop games that typically use pieces. These pieces are moved or placed on a pre-marked board and often include elements of table, card, role-playing, and miniatures games as well.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Board game and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).