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🎲 Host a board games night / 🎶 Attend a music festival / Throw a party / Throw a surprise party for someone / 🎢 Go to a theme park / Throw a surprise party / 🎶 Attend an outdoor concert / Go to Disneyland from opening to closing / 🧺 Have a picnic in a park / Picnic in the park / Host a theme party / Visit an amusement park / Go on a roadtrip with my best friends / Attend trivia night at a restaurant or bar / Host a themed party / Celebrate Carnival in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Go to an NFL game / Have a picinc / Host a barbeque / Have a picnic in a tree / Have a picnic in the park with friends / 🎢 Go to Cedar Point OHIO / Attend Mardi Gras / Have a picnic in Central Park / Attend a hot air ballon festival / Host a house party / Host a cupcake party / Throw a costume party / Visit Busch Gardens FLORIDA / Host a poker night / Spend the day at Disneyland Park in Paris FRANCE / Go to a jazz festival / Visit Cedar Point Amusement Park OHIO / Attend Coachella CALIFORNIA / Attend the Day of the Dead celebrations MEXICO / 🎶 Attend Austin City Limits TEXAS / Go to Coachella CALIFORNIA / Host a costume party / Have a fancy dress party / Plan a fireworks party for the Fourth of July / Attend a football match / Attend the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival LOUISIANA / Go to Dollywood / Picnic at the beach / 🇳🇱 Participate in the Queen's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Throw a themed party / 🎉 Attend Summerfest WISCONSIN / Visit Cedar Point OHIO / Host a housewarming party / Visit Canada's Wonderland CANADA / Explore a new city / 🎢 Visit Gröna Lund Amusement Park SWEDEN / Visit Six Flags Over Georgia GEORGIA / Host a Super Bowl party / 🎉 Go to Positivus festival LATVIA / Go to Big Day Out / Visit Six Flags New England MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Adventureland Park IOWA / Visit Comerica Park MICHIGAN / Attend an AFL game AUSTRALIA / Hang Out at the International Highline Meeting Festival in Monte Piana ITALY / Visit Delft NETHERLANDS / Attend the Fasching, Carnival in Cologne GERMANY / Participate in the Nice Carnival FRANCE / Go to Kings Island Amusement Park OHIO / Host a Eurovision party / Visit Sziget Festival HUNGARY / 🎶 Attend Open'er Festival POLAND / Have a barbie with friends on the beach AUSTRALIA / Spend the day at a Pachinko gaming Parlor JAPAN / Participate in the Maastricht Carnival NETHERLANDS / Attend the Melbourne's Spring Racing Carnival AUSTRALIA / Explore the nightlife in Hongik SOUTH KOREA / Visit Knoebels Amusement Resort in Elysburg PENNSYLVANIA / 🎡 Visit Liseberg Funpark SWEDEN / Get lost in the West Edmonton Mall's water parks CANADA / Tell stories around a bonfire at the Festival of San Juan SPAIN / See the Penang Dragon Boat Festival MALAYSIA / Attend the Amsterdam Roots Festival NETHERLANDS / Attend the La Feria de Abril at Seville SPAIN / See the parade at the Limon Carnival COSTA RICA / Visit Dollywood's Splash Country Water Adventure Park TENNESSEE / Visit White Water Bay OKLAHOMA / Welcome summer by attending the Hi Seoul Festival SOUTH KOREA / Visit Carowinds NORTH CAROLINA / Attend Taunggyi's balloon festival MYANMAR / Host a couples game night / Attend the Colorado Balloon Classic COLORADO / Participate in the Water Festival CAMBODIA / Have a picnic on Sheikh Said Island ERITREA / Attend the Kwakoe Festival NETHERLANDS / Attend the Primavera Sound festival SPAIN / Stroll through the malls and markets during the annual Malaysian Shopping Festival MALAYSIA / Watch the Antwerp docks get converted to an urban beach during the Antwerp Beach event BELGIUM / Attend a Positivus festival LATVIA / Spend the day at Gardaland ITALY / See in the New Year at Cape Town's V&A Waterfront at the New Year's Eve Bash SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Hala Festival celebrating spring KUWAIT / Party in Havana's Vedado district CUBA / Attend the Palms and Flowers festival in Panchimalco EL SALVADOR / Go to Dreamland Water Park UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend The Holi Festival in Spanish Fork UTAH / Visit Six Gun City amusement park NEW HAMPSHIRE / Attend the Beale Street Music Festival TENNESSEE / Visit Disneyland Shanghai CHINA / Visit Arlington Drafthouse VIRGINIA / Visit Six Flags White Water GEORGIA / Throw a New Year's Eve Party / Attend the Camel Cup in Alice Springs AUSTRALIA / Attend Festa de São João PORTUGAL / Attend Songkran Festival THAILAND / Visit King's Island OHIO / Attend the Woodchopper's Jamboree & Rodeo WYOMING / Spend the day at Labadi Pleasure Beach GHANA / Attend the Forecastle Festival KENTUCKY / Attend SweetWater Music Festival GEORGIA / Visit the Bacuit Archipelago PHILIPPINES / Attend Festival Internacional de Benicassim SPAIN / Attend a race at Talladega Speedway ALABAMA / Attend the Carnival of Viareggio ITALY / Celebrate Kool-Aid Days NEBRASKA / Visit Magic Waters Waterpark ILLINOIS / Celebrate Australia Day AUSTRALIA / Celebrate Dia de San Jose with the locals COSTA RICA / Participate in the Festival Palmares COSTA RICA / Celebrate the Fin del Año at Guatemala City's Plaza Mayor GUATEMALA / Visit the twin islands of Perhentian Besar and Perhentian Kecil MALAYSIA / Participate in the Madeira Carnival PORTUGAL / Attend the Cascais Summer Festival PORTUGAL / Celebrate the Malay version of the Chinese New Year at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Attend the Donia sports, music and cultural festival in the Hell-Ville Stadium MADAGASCAR / Join in the Africa Day festivities in Luanda ANGOLA / Participate in the Fiesta de San Isidro SPAIN / Attend a beach party on Warnemunde's beach GERMANY / Attend the Efes Pilsner One Love Festival TURKEY / Spend the day at the Universal Mediterranea theme park SPAIN / Celebrate the Burmese New Year at the Maha Thingyan Festival MYANMAR / Attend the Pakistani spring festival, Bassant PAKISTAN / Celebrate Independence Day in the streets of Luanda ANGOLA / Attend the Nowruz (Persian New Year) festivities ALBANIA / Participate in the Liberation Day festivities AFGHANISTAN / Attend a New Year's Beach Party in Inchaca MOZAMBIQUE / Attend the Lisbon Carnival PORTUGAL / Attend the mid-Lent Carnival in Stavelot BELGIUM / Join in the Año Nuevo celebrations in Guatemala City GUATEMALA / Attend the Fiesta del 2 de Mayo SPAIN / Attend the Shoko Festival ZIMBABWE / Visit Quassy Amusement Park CONNECTICUT / Catch a domestic game of baseball at the stadium DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Attend Zeltik Festival in Dudelange Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / Attend the Reno River Festival NEVADA / Visit Seven Peaks Water Park UTAH / Attend the Red River Revel LOUISIANA / Attend the Santa Fe Trail Festival COLORADO / Attend the BB King Homecoming Festival MISSISSIPPI / Visit Blue Bayou Water Park LOUISIANA / Visit Spruce St Harbor Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Avonturenpark Hellendoorn NETHERLANDS / Attend the Qingming Festival in Macau MACAU / Visit Dorney Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit King's Dominion OHIO / Visit Kings Dominion VIRGINIA / Attend Paleo Festival SWITZERLAND / Attend Donauinselfest AUSTRIA / Have a hurricane party FLORIDA / Attend a traditional Ugandan wedding UGANDA / Visit Carolina Beach (Balneario de Carolina) PUERTO RICO / Visit Condado Beach PUERTO RICO / Attend the Fiesta de la Mama Negra ECUADOR / Participate in the Darwin Beer Regatta or the Henley on Todd Regatta AUSTRALIA / Take part in the Songkran festival THAILAND / Attend austin psych fest / Attend the Atlanta Jazz Festival GEORGIA / Visit Playland Amusement Park CANADA / Spend the day at Serasa beach BRUNEI / Attend the Roof of the world Festival TAJIKISTAN / Attend the Sziget Music Festival HUNGARY / Visit Barrio de Chueca MADRID / Visit Artashat ARMENIA / Attend Dinagyang Festival PHILIPPINES / Attend Carnaval in Salvador BRAZIL / Attend a music festival in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Create a themed party or event based on a favorite TV show or movie / Visit Santa Clara CUBA / Visit Dixie Landin' Amusement Theme Park LOUISIANA / Attend the Macy's Music Festival OHIO / Attend the Texas Sandfest TEXAS / Picnic a polo match at the Newport Polo Club in Portsmouth RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Ein Gev Festival ISRAEL / Attend Festival de Wiltz LUXEMBOURG / Celebrate St Mary's Day in Hetta, an old Sami tradition FINLAND / Join in the King Carnival festivities FRENCH GUIANA / Celebrate Independence Day in Granada NICARAGUA / Attend the Thaipusam Festival MALAYSIA / Observe local rituals at the Fête du Dipri in Gomon CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Play Holi at Kathmandu's Durbar Square NEPAL / Spend the day at the Jerudong Theme Park BRUNEI / Picnic at Foy's lake BANGLADESH / Picnic at Rawal Lake near Islamabad PAKISTAN / Attend the traditional Colombian Christmas fairs COLOMBIA / Attend the Love for Bogota Festival COLOMBIA / Attend the Festes de Sant Medir SPAIN / Picnic at a park at Brandenburg GERMANY / Party with the students in Guanajuato MEXICO / Attend La Carlota's street party - Kabankalong Sinulog PHILIPPINES /