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Take an IQ test
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On 474 lists and 183 people have done it.
Saturday - I did an online test and my result was 139. That feels about right, cos I'm a smart little cookie. But, of course it's not the same as a real IQ test. I might do another one, somewhere else.
The second test I took also gave me the result of 103 :)
This was the first test I took and my IQ result was 103 :)
I completed this as my first personally developing and understanding task of my 21 days. I used a free online test and because I was weary on the accuracy I took two tests. I was surprised when I found that both tests gave me an IQ of 103 :) I am pleased with this and I'm glad to have finally undertaken an IQ test as I've been wanting to do one for a while. I found it quite hard but still really fun.
wasnt happy with test score so going to try again.
Well, after failing to find a free one. I managed to do one, finish it and get results. Meh, they all vary very considerably in style, the only one I did which I thought was varied enough in it's questions to give you a realistic level of intelligence, wasn't free. Didn't think this was worth my time at all.

http://www.us.mensa.org/ - mensa.org

10/23 - http://www.iqtest.dk/ - 105

Find our where to take one officially.
Psychology experiment?
Completed the most legit one I could find online (and a few others...), scoring an IQ of 131.
got 118! - 02/01/12
122...don't know what that means how accurate the free online one is!!