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Go a month without buying anything that isn't a necessity
Planning to do this in October.
Besides buying 2 packets of biscuits on sale in this time, I consider this accomplished!
eliminating all spending on clothes, shoes, home decor, makeup, haircare and skincare
Thanks to Biden's America, I haven't had disposable income in over a year, so goal achieved but not by my own doing.
Oct 2020
No spend January
Started 28-10-2018
Start February 2018
More like several months.
Starting over (9/20/2016)
Starting 08/10/2016.
Purchased a birthday gift; not counting it as "unnecessary"
Started 9th of May.
Student budget
Nov 20 - socks, boots, gloves, lunch. Bought something to help break the curse on me.
No 19 - had to pay for emergency surgery for Caelum which he didn't survive. Then I spent postage to mail excess Caelum meds (heartworm and flea) to another dog who could use them.
Nov 14 - started (spent no money until Nov 18 when I had to do postage, then got food and gas since I already spent money and did need those things.)
Last fall I did a no-spend month after seeing a blog post pinned about it on Pinterest. The premise is to go through as much of the month not spending money on things outside of the very absolutes. I had lofty goals of fully stocking my pantry and freezer, meal planning with those items for the whole month, and bringing my lunch to work everyday. Needless to say it wasn't entirely spend-free, but I was able to eliminate a lot of my discretionary spending and even reduce my driving during the month. I liked how it made me think, that I vowed I would try it again and maybe even get my husband on board. I was hoping to do this again this fall, but the timing isn't quite right. I have a few car repairs that need to get done, my best friend's wedding is next month, and school has be completely frazzled and stressed to be able to plan this out thoroughly, but this is on my radar, and I'm hoping maybe come January I'll be able to focus in on this again.
Avoiding makeup, candy, eating out...recreation in general!
pushing this for April - screwed March up
Ground rules - I am counting this as online shopping [clothes, shoes, makeup...etc.] This also not include any expenses to complete any of the other goals on this list.
Jan '14 to Complete
Buy Nothing New maand (oktober 2013)
Hopefully August
Start date = 10Apr13
money spent to reach one my goals is OK
money spent to reach one my goals is OK
Starting this tomorrow. 10/16-11/14. I'm trying to run this with the "no fast food for a month" goal. I would say a HUGE chunk of the unnecessary spending I do is on food. Even when the house is full of food to cook I still buy fast food because its just, well faster. lol But I need to try not to do that anymore. I'll definitely save a lot of money.
Van 6 juni tot 6 juli
starting 1st June!
Will be tough, but I'll give it a crack!
10.05.2012 starting this task today.
Going to try to do this January 2012
Today is the LAST day....woot woot!
Almost at the end and feeling rather proud of myself!
Starts: 16.01.2012
This starts today. Going to be very tough with a trip to QLD for 2 weeks in there. BUT with school starting other things planned for the house (like flooring) yes its needed I am so up for the challenge that would be very good for me!!
Mindfulness Self-Discipline Sustainability Sustainable Living Eco-Friendly Minimalism Financial Planning Budgeting Self-Control Frugal Living Decluttering Frugality Financial Freedom Simplicity Simple Living Zero Waste
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