A - Alternative Media - Chris Atton
B - Big Bangs: The Story of Five Discoveries that Changed Musical History - Howard Goodall
C - Call for the Dead - John le Carré
D - Deadly Origin - Paul Cornell
E - East, West - Salman Rushdie
F - Fire and Hemlock - Dianne Wynne Jones
G - A Gaelic Alphabet: A guide to pronounciation of Gaelic letters and words - George McLennan
H - How to be a Woman - Caitlin Moran
I - Ironside - Holly Black
M - Miss Chopsticks - Xinran
N - New Punk Cinema - ed. Nicholas Rombes
O - Off-White Hollywood - Diana Negra
P - Pandaemonium - Christopher Brookmyre
Q - Quite Ugly One Morning - Christopher Brookmyre
R - The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
S - Screen dreams: fantasising lesbians in film - Clare Whatling
T - This is Serbia Calling: Rock 'n' Roll Radio and Belgrade's Underground Resistance - Matthew Collin
U - Un/Covering the North: News, Media and Aboriginal People - Valerie Alia
V - Vampires and Violets: Lesbians in the Cinema - Andrea Weiss
W - Women & Radio: Airing Differences - ed. Caroline Mitchell
Y - You Tarzan: Masculinity, Movies and Men - ed Pat Kirkham & Janet Thumim
(less)A - Alternative Media - Chris Atton
B - Big Bangs: The Story of Five Discoveries that Chang