Amber Charlotte
Member since September 2011

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Alabama Shakes
9/18 - Brio Tuscan Grille, Gina's Delicatessen
3/10 - Frankie Farrell's, Macaroni Grill, Copeland's.
Unique salt and pepper shakers.
White Springs; Stephen Foster on 9/17/2011
10/3/11 - Accidental dinner by candlelight when the power went out tonight. Made my Wendy's Baconator much classier.
(6/10): Chinese, German, Latin, French, Hebrew, Japanese
wo ai ni; iche liebe dich; te amo; je t'aime; ani ohevet otcha; aishiteru wa
wo ai ni; iche liebe dich; te amo; je t'aime; ani ohevet otcha; aishiteru wa
(4/10): Chinese, German, Latin, French, Hebrew, Japanese
wo ai ni; iche liebe dich; te amo; je t'aime; ani ohevet otcha; aishiteru wa
wo ai ni; iche liebe dich; te amo; je t'aime; ani ohevet otcha; aishiteru wa
(3/10): Chinese, German, Latin
I wrote a 5 paragraph Process Essay titled "How To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse" for my ENC1101 class.