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Duarte Correia
Member since May 2011
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I have this blog now...I should make an entry about the completed list once it's done with.
This is doable though there are goals that can't have pictures taken as they were completed long ago. Still it should count...if not I move to someday list. Will get back to this soon.
This should be doable within this or the next week.
I must complete the unit...will check back on it and calculate how many days are left to get this done.
I think this will be done as 3rd/4th of the food goals.
This must be started at latest on the 1st of January all over again.
Two months will really have to do. Either December/January or January/February.
This might be doable with 50 days left...need to look into snail mail websites once done organizing the list.
Ok, this is being done on a daily basis now. I have 50 days left and some 38 parts to do...should be complete in time therefore.
Well, this is incredibly intrusive but there's nothing to fear as I don't think I'll ever do anything criminal that this could be used against me someday. So I'll go on with it and complete it asap. I am on question 600 and last updated on May 2012. I guess this could take days but it's the goal I'll be attending to next. Updating the notes for this later..
I've watched Amour. 99 to go, haha...
This can't be done in real timing but I guess I can try striking up conversation with some german girl in last.fm via shoutbox of PM. Then it's all about making it last...I guess the conversation can go until we're out of topics or interest.
I guess I can make the cheesecake this week and salsa next week. One recipe per week? There's only so much money that can be spent on these things.
According to the wikipedia definition of what a Renaissance Fair is, I suppose this has been done in 2005 when I first visited Óbidos.
This is doable...I gotta organize the order in which the goals will be done, then I should have an idea about when.
Ok, I can try this soon. I must also keep in mind I should completing a goal a day or so from today on.
I'll be resuming this with the Top 250 of Imdb list goal, I suppose. 93 to go...

P.S. Note to self: As I have 54 days to complete the list I better watch more than one movie a day.
There's actually a photo album around Photobucket of the wedding of my cousin which I've attended.
It hasn't happened ever since the last update was posted but obviously I've done this goal in my life before several times, so..
Ok, I guess I can get started on this again either tonight or tomorrow. Next to be watched The Godfather...

Watched so far:

The Shawshank Redemption
Fight Club
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Forrest Gump
The Silence of the Lambs
American History X
Life Is Beautiful
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
The Lion King
Requiem for a dream
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
L.A. Confidential
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Big Lebowski
The Deer Hunter
No Country For Old Men
The Thing
How To Train Your Dragon
Life of Brian
Million Dollar Baby
There Will Be Blood
Stand By Me
The King's Speech
A Beautiful Mind
Stalag 17
Slumdog Millionaire
The Exorcist
The Truman Show
Jurassic Park

213 to go.
I'm moving this to the someday list..
Played on the Hasbro website. Scored 28..
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
8th October - Horna (not impressed)
9th October - Joakim Berg (not impressed)
10th October - Unearth (not impressed)
11th October - Dementi (not impressed)
12th October - Sons of Sounds (not impressed)
13th October - Blackeyed Blonde (not impressed)
Sounds like fun! To be done either still THIS WEEK based on the online version or later on the next one if to be based on the original thing.
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
8th October - Horna (not impressed)
9th October - Joakim Berg (not impressed)
10th October - Unearth (not impressed)
11th October - Dementi (not impressed)
12th October - Sons of Sounds (not impressed)
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
8th October - Horna (not impressed)
9th October - Joakim Berg (not impressed)
10th October - Unearth (not impressed)
11th October - Dementi (not impressed)
I gave it a try today but what I am going to do to achieve this goal is to turn around my waking hours as they're quite misplaced right now. So I predict THIS WEEK I may still get closer to this goal.
It won't be updated on the date mentioned before because today I lacked the motivation following the plan to reduce the medication intake from another goal. This week I'll be working on re-adressing my sleeping hours so a lot of goals will probably suffer as a consequence of this. So if I can update this until the 16TH OF OCTOBER, great, if not by NEXT WEEK then.
And I had fried potatoes today again. So there it goes. This shouldn't really count as fast food as it wasn't even french fries from some frozen package but rather peeled and cut potatoes, then fried. But I'm going to be literal on what was the last agreement I had with someone also about what fast food consists of. This isn't really an important goal for me as it wasn't even one of the originally wanted ones. I'll keep posting anyway because I like to keep track of my food habits. And I hope I can go 30 days withouth eating fried potatoes. So gonna keep updating this DAILY. But if failing again one or two more times I'll consider retreating this and replace for something more happenable.
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
8th October - Horna (not impressed)
9th October - Joakim Berg (not impressed)
10th October - Unearth (not impressed)
I've erased Mandarin and replaced with this language that I actually like. I've started to waste my time more usefully so now I'm in constant language learning process. The problem is speaking practise, I can only do it during few hours of the day. So today I spent one hour or two at german, I'll keep going to the end of the unit daily and consider this goal completed by then if not finding better resources in the meantime.
5 days streak, dodged the bullet today as I could have had some burgers since I did not like/eat the main dish that was cooked at home. Instead I had small, cold shrimp and snacked throughout the remaint of the day.
Didn't have the chance to get this done. 16TH October it is.
Didn't find the motivation...updated until the 16TH OCTOBER.
Couldn't find the mood for this again either. PU in 16th OCTOBER.
Still having a hard time. TOMORROW I give it a try hopefully, if not, then on the 12TH OCTOBER. If nothing happens, instead of coming up with new deadlines, I will just postpone this to the 28TH OCTOBER.
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
8th October - Horna (not impressed)
9th October - Joakim Berg (not impressed)
4 days streak. Yet again fish, with boiled potatoes this time around.
Well, if it wasn't done in a week the next better projection to be made is of two weeks. So update this on the 23TH OCTOBER the latest now.
Ok, so all of the movies I've watched during this week had never been watched before. Count is now up to 7. The notepad might not be necessary anymore as long as I rate the movies at IMDB. I'll be taking a rest on movies for the weekend now, but as I said I'd update this every 10th movie, I'll get myself watching at least 3 next week to make the first tenth. Update this on the 13TH OCTOBER.

Not watched before:

Little Miss Sunshine
Silence of the Lambs
The Last King of Scotland
Vantage Point
The Social Network
I Am Legend
The Big Lebowski
I'd actually be literal on what a week means to me if I didn't grow both tired and disappointed on the last movies I watched. Seven days should be a week. So I consider this goal done. Note to self: Never force me to do an activity repeatedly for so long, at least a passive one, it's not the way I'm going to start wanting to watch movies again. Mood is important when getting things done.

Saturday - Little Miss Sunshine
Sunday - Silence of the Lambs
Monday - The Last King of Scotland
Tuesday - Vantage Point
Wednesday - The Social Network
Thursday - I Am Legend
Friday - The Big Lebowski
3 days. Sardines with heated noodles from previous day it was. Let's see how this keeps going.
I have been watching movies but none of them were Cannes Gold Palm winners. Also to be able to watch these, I'll need to make disk space and Lost comes first when it comes to that. So it's not very realistic to say I'll be watching one of these soon. If I watch one in OCTOBER will be already good enough. Update from then on.
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
8th October - Horna (not impressed)
Yet again, updated on 14TH OCTOBER.
Postponed to next week as most goals with this deadline will. It was a terrible week when it comes to strenght and will. Update on 14TH OCTOBER.
5th October - Laakso (not impressed)
6th October - ColdWorld (listen again)
7th October - Staubkind (not impressed)
This won't be done this week anymore, for sure. Update on the 14TH OCTOBER.
Had nothing again, it was noodles with beans and chicken. So TWO days now. Updating again TOMORROW.

5th October - Laakso (6/10)
6th October - ColdWorld (7/10)
Still don't have the enough disk space...I figure this will be harder to make room for than I thought. So let's give it a larger deadline. Say OCTOBER.
Today I had nothing I would consider fast food, so, it was the first day. Let's see how it goes from now on, though. Update DAILY.
Well, it could happen either later on today or tomorrow. If not this gets postponed until the 10TH OCTOBER.
Starting today. Will be updating this daily.

5th October - Laakso (6/10)
Saturday - Little Miss Sunshine
Sunday - Silence of the Lambs
Monday - The Last King of Scotland
Tuesday - Vantage Point

Three to go! Update when done.
Didn't have the time yet, but hopefully will soon. Updated on the 6TH OR 7TH OCTOBER.
I had french fries today, I suppose that counts. Even if the french fries were actually made from potatoes directly. So this start all over again...post again about this TOMORROW.
Wsa not able to cut it yet...next cutting atempt this week. Post about this again on the 10TH OCTOBER.
This could turn out interesting. Doing it THIS MONTH.
Oh, it's on. I've always been an avid music explorer. Start either later on or TOMORROW. Update the list daily, I suppose.
Unlikely. PU in 2012.
I'd like to this again...I have to think about it better when I have more patience. PU in NOVEMBER.
What accounts for fast food anyway? I guess it's up to me. For most people this would mean not going to McD or so but I haven't gone there in years. I still eat homemade burgers occasionly though. So I guess this would mean not eating burgers and fries for 30 days. This could be hard to get done as sometimes that's just dinner. But why not? Seems challenging. Starting TODAY or TOMORROW.
Hard to imagine...PU in 2012.
Would be interesting, but yeah...PU in 2012.
If I still find the time for swedish THIS WEEK, I'll get it done then. If not NEXT WEEK. PU in 2012.
This could be quite some fun. I want to do it still this month if possible. So OCTOBER it shall be.
Yeah...I don't think it's happening. No genuine interest on my side. I'd even rather visit Egypt now. My parents used to wish to travel to Brazil in Summer though...PU in 2012.
Ah, now this is something I'd like to do...but not urban France like everyone else, rather rural. I have the best impressions of it. PU in 2012.
Wouldn't be on my top cities to be visited anyway. PU in 2012.
This could turn out interesting, perhaps...PU whenever I'm done with the first movie related goal, so on SATURDAY, I assume.
Then again, exactly how long is a conversation...seems both possible and replaceable. Decide when I'm done with spanish and mandarin I guess. I've always wanted to have a german friend, for practising as well but I find their personalities so hard to grow liking...PU in NOVEMBER, perhaps.
I wonder how is this done. I doubt this be one of the first things I'd like to learn how to cook. Still, update this until the 14th OCTOBER.
Yeah, like I'm fucking Columbus or something...wonder who wrote up this goal? Delete aka PU in 2012 for now.
Another to be replaced with better when I have the time or have accomplished the other goals. PU in 2012.
PU in 2012.
Checked the website, seems interesting. Update this week still if I have the time, hopefully.
Ok, could cheesecake be the first dish...I need to look into the recipe and decide this until FRIDAY.
I've done this in the past...in fact I wish I could find this certain Christmas card from my swedish friend...maybe I venture into searching it later on. I grew quite tired of meeting people online anyway...but I won't be saying this may not happen this year. So update this in CHRISTMAS time.
This can get done the same way as spanish and I guess I'd find the time for both this week. So updated until the WEEKEND.
Even if I get married I doubt I will be the person doing this. I have no idea really. PU in 2012.
I believe this will never happen. But I'm clueless about possible to happen goals right now. PU in 2012.
No idea when this could be happening now, wish it could still be Rammstein in February 2012, but yeah...update next year anyway.
Another impossible goal, or nearly. PU in 2012.
I never got to take that online spanish class the other day. And I slept way too little today to be able to take it well enough. So I should update this either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow if I wake up early enough again.
Another of those randomly added goals. There's something in Tokyo I am intrigued by though. I guess these goals will end up deleted and replaced when I get the other more realistic going on, but PU in 2012 for now.
If I ever am to go to Finland again and be like a fool in love or if I become a dad I guess this can happen. PU in 2012.
Watched Silence of the Lambs, somehow it had escaped to me on to this date. So the count is now on 2. I will update this on the 7TH OCTOBER which is when I predict my other "a movie per day during the course of a week" goal will be completed. From then on I will only PU this goal every 10th movie I watch, so I will be writing down on a notepad the movies I haven't watched so far and so on.
Kept it going today with Silence of the Lambs. Summing up:

Saturday - Little Miss Sunshine
Sunday - Silence of the Lambs

Hopefully updating this TOMORROW again.
Well, the week has passed and I didn't find the mood for doing this. So pushing it forward to this week.
Will be done tonight if I still have time, if not then update this up until the 6TH OCTOBER.
Done...obviously following the registered rantings at imdb since it'd be nearly impossible to make an accurate and fair top 50 list.
Started tonight with Little Miss Sunshine...let's see if I can keep it going in a row.
Under progress...1/100 right now, watched Little Miss Sunshine. Update every time I get to watch a new one or then again every 10 movies watched or so.
Two months will do if I see my cooking isn't spot on. If it is however, I will only consider this valid if done until 2012 at least.
I've already watched some...let's see when I plan to watch the next one on the list I haven't seen yet.
Done! Boy...that was easier than I thought it'd be.
I guess I could try to find a place where to play this online but I wouldn't feel like the goal has been completed for me. So PU in 2012 for now, if I don't change my mind at least.
It is in progress. Soon will be done.
Wasn't able to reduce, hope I can this weekend...but let's update by the 4TH OCTOBER when I'll be more certain.