Erin Laborda
Member since May 2011

Notes & Photos
Attach Photo

1. Best Ever Mushroom Soup
2. Maraschino Cherry Cupcakes with Almond Buttercream Frosting
3. (...more)
2. Maraschino Cherry Cupcakes with Almond Buttercream Frosting
3. (...more)
The Wire [5/5 seasons watched]
Firefly [1/1 season watched]
Parks and Recreation [4/4 seasons watched]
Mad Men [4/5 seasons watched]
Futurama [0/6 seasons watched]
Firefly [1/1 season watched]
Parks and Recreation [4/4 seasons watched]
Mad Men [4/5 seasons watched]
Futurama [0/6 seasons watched]
Z and I have just moved into a beautiful new apartment together! We're giddy, even though we're living off of the floor. 

3/26/12 - Employment GET!
I've removed goals #4 (Take the National Counselor Exam) and #5 (Complete at least half of the hours needed for my professional clinical counselor license) from the list, as I do not plan to practice counseling for the foreseeable future.
1. 101 Excuses I Make For Myself
1. A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
2. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
3. 1984 by George Orwell
4. Running from Secrets by Stephanie Void
5. Dracula by Bram Stoker
6. Offbeat Bride by Ariel Meadow Stallings
7. A Practical Wedding by Meg Keene
2. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
3. 1984 by George Orwell
4. Running from Secrets by Stephanie Void
5. Dracula by Bram Stoker
6. Offbeat Bride by Ariel Meadow Stallings
7. A Practical Wedding by Meg Keene
Note added to goal Have my dad make a list of his 50 favorite movies, and watch them with him
1. Sling Blade
2. The Godfather, Part 1
3. The Godfather, Part 2
4. The Accidental Tourist
5. Halloween
2. The Godfather, Part 1
3. The Godfather, Part 2
4. The Accidental Tourist
5. Halloween
This task will apply to my work as a graduate assistant at Lindsey Wilson College.
11/17/11 - Currently working on two songs in Sibelius.
11/14/2011 - My best friend had her baby the other day! Between admiring baby Petra's beauty and plotting all the many ways in which I can spoil her, I got to change her diaper. Not difficult. Now, I'm set for when she comes to visit!
Note added to goal Have my dad make a list of his 50 favorite movies, and watch them with him
10/25/11 - Watched The Accidental Tourist. "I'm beginning to think that maybe it's not just how much you love someone. Maybe what matters is who you are when you're with them."
10/15/11 - Got my first professional massage at CC Spa.
9/11 - Z taught me about the Birthday Problem. Cool concept!
9/12/11 - Z surprised me with a picnic at Shillito Park, where we cuddled on a blanket and ate our favorite Chinese takeout. When it came time for dessert, he made me close my eyes; it was a surprise, he said. When I opened them, he had an engagement ring in his hand and an enormous grin on his face. He asked, I said "yes," I laughed, he laughed, we hugged, we high-fived, and we ate ice cream and drank champagne. It was awesome. Best picnic ever.
9/20/11 - If everything falls into place this week, I'll have a job. I've done all I can do; now, I'll have to wait and see. This is, of course, the hardest part.
9/12/11 - Z and I are engaged! No wedding plans have been made yet: we're too busy floating around on a cloud of happy.
8/10/11 - Last week, I piled into a van with my mom, grandma, and aunt to road trip across Illinois and Missouri. We visited places that Grandma had known in her youth, and visited long-lost relatives.
Also, Mom and I encountered snakes. That = adventure.
Also, Mom and I encountered snakes. That = adventure.
7/13/11 - Baked vegan chai cupcakes and topped them with cinnamon buttercream. The recipe is from Sugarbomb Bakery, and it is fantastic: I had no clue that they were vegan until after I had already baked them! Z said that these are his new favorite cupcakes. 

Note added to goal Have my dad make a list of his 50 favorite movies, and watch them with him
7/8/11 - Watched The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. The first was probably the best movie I've ever seen.
6/22/11 - There is a giant bag of Swedish Fish in the candy bowl, taunting me, but I will prevail.
6/22/11 - Made the big chop one week ago today, and I LOVE it!
6/12/11 - I've got the bones of my letter written. To whom do I address it? "You?" "We?" I don't know.
6/12/11 - To begin this goal, I'd like to purge all items that I am tired of owning. For inspiration, I'm going to devote one of my Lists of 101 (goal #46) to this topic.
-Weed out clothes I dislike/no longer wear.
-Go through my old papers. Place important documents in distinct folders, give away original drawings, scan/save, or throw them away.
-Weed out clothes I dislike/no longer wear.
-Go through my old papers. Place important documents in distinct folders, give away original drawings, scan/save, or throw them away.
6/12/11 - Ozzie is three today! To celebrate, I baked some peanut butter biscuits for him. He loves them. 

6/11/11 - My skin blew up. Sad face. I'm trying to keep my regimen consistent, so let's hope that everything gets back in working order soon.
6/11/11 - The job hunt is going well; there are several promising leads in and out of my field. I'm open to the possibilities!
6/11/11 - So far, so good!
6/11/11 - Em-C has informed me that she would like to have her bachelorette bash on a boat in the Bahamas (say that five times fast, y'all) next year. It'll be Em, me, the other bridesmaids, and our significant others. Very cool!
6/11/11 - I've been told by two different people this week that I ought to write a book. Dad suggested that I write a collection of essays. Given my painfully short attention span, that might be just the format for me!
6/8/11 - Watched American Beauty with Z. Stunning film in so many ways.
6/2/11 - Groupon is currently offering a 1/2 off coupon for a spa just outside of Louisville. Jill, Brandi, and I each bought one. Spa day, soon!
6/2/11 - Starting this goal today! This goal will be considered complete as of 7/2/11.
6/2/11 - I've had Lady Gaga's Born This Way on repeat since its release. Favorite tracks: "Marry the Night," "Born This Way," "Government Hooker," "Judas," "Scheiße," and "Electric Chapel."
6/2/11 - Z and I watched Casino this past weekend, and The God Who Wasn't There yesterday. Both were great!
Note added to goal Have my dad make a list of his 50 favorite movies, and watch them with him
5/22/11 - Dad and I watched Sling Blade tonight. It rocked.
5/15/11 - 101 Excuses I Make For Myself
5/16/11 - Facebook Hivemind says unanimously: "Go for it!"
5/15/11 - Z and I agreed to read each other's favorite books. I gave him To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and he gave me 1984 by George Orwell.
Note added to goal Record my grandmom singing the vintage Cream of Wheat theme on tape
8/10 - "Cream of Wheat is so good to eat, we eat it every day. It makes us shout hooray!" Got Grammy to sing this tune during Dad/Brian/Uncle Linn's birthday party, and recorded it on my iPhone. Success!
3/19/11 - Attended the Kentuckiana Cluster All-Breed Dog Show in Louisville, KY with Jillian and Brandi. We spent the majority of the morning awwwww-ing over the English mastiffs.
3/12/11 - Completed during the Lady Gaga concert noted in goal #10.
10/31/10 - Baked Pan de Muerto for Halloween/Day of the Dead. Mmm, anise + orange.
5/15/11 - My skin is looking lovely. My current regimen is as follows:
-Wash face for te (...more)
-Wash face for te (...more)
9/10 - My roommate was horrified that I had never tried a Klondike bar, so she bought me one. It was delicious.
Note added to goal Have my dad make a list of his 50 favorite movies, and watch them with him
5/15/11 - Sat down with Dad to create the list. Ended up with 60 great films!
3/12/11 - Saw Lady Gaga at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY with Z. I went for a sweet goth look, sporting winged eyeliner and a smidge of black lipstick, a la "Paparazzi." I looked fabulous. So did all the other Little Monsters.
5/13/11 - All of my hours have been logged, and my supervisor has signed off on them. This goal is complete!
5/17/11 - At long, long last, all of my case notes are complete! Happiness is an empty task list. 

5/14/11: Today marks my graduation from Lindsey Wilson College's School of Professional Counseling. I graduated with honors, earning my Master of Education degree in Counseling and Human Development with an emphasis in Mental Health Counseling.
It was a long journey, but love got me through!
It was a long journey, but love got me through!