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We have been here, but did not get a chance to see the Welcome to Scranton sign.
This was not a hard thing to accomplish anymore with the new work schedule : )
So far! : )
I got rid of some clothes from middle school. There are still more to go through!
Note added to goal Cook something from a different country every month for a year
We made pierogi and ravioli last month! Maybe we will make something Irish this month for St. Patrick's Day!
Found two new jobs! I hope that I am able to keep both of them and still have enough time to sleep!
Good trilogy, but definitely had me crying!
Over 30 miles so far this month, mostly thanks to my 8 mile trek in Boston on Monday : )
321 views so far for January and the month isn't even half over! : )
Not great yet, but I'm getting there!
Just donated a huge bag! : )
I did this without trying to, so I guess that I don't spend as much money as I thought!
It ended up being a box, but the idea is the same!
7 Things x 2014
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to sew
- Start Being more in the moment
- Stop procrastinating
- Take a vacation to Costa Rica, Hawaii, or Europe
- Find my passion in life
- Try dance classes
- Be more assertive