I have been working on this goal for a while. When I finished school and went in to the world of work, turning eighteen and transitioning in to adulthood, I decided I wanted to lose the 'puppy fat' if you will. Cutting out crisps and chocolate at lunchtimes, eating smaller portions etc. I have definitely noticed a change in my shape - I don't really do 'weight' in the getting on the scales sense. I'm more about how I look, the shape I am, and that has changed. Still a slight way to go though to get to where I want.
Today I am starting the 30 day plank challenge in an attempt to strengthen and tone my core, as this is the one area I really need to work on now. My arms I've toned, my calves are fine and sadly due to genes I will always have chunky, muscular thighs but I have grown to accept that as a part of me. It really is my stomach that causes me and my confidence problems - time to tone it up!
Today I am starting the 30 day plank challenge in an attempt to strengthen and tone my core, as this is the one area I really need to work on now. My arms I've toned, my calves are fine and sadly due to genes I will always have chunky, muscular thighs but I have grown to accept that as a part of me. It really is my stomach that causes me and my confidence problems - time to tone it up!
Posted 11 years ago