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Member since May 2012
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Bali 2012
while moving from Bali te Egypt got rid of almost everything i owned , more than 101 things
yikes, don't even like soda anymore!
Threw out sooo much clothing when moving from Bali to Egypt, I'll be ble to shop for the next 5 years!
OK with this internet, monthly is a bit much, lets make it 6-monthly!
bought a study book
jummy tomatoes,. basil and parsley
had no internet (or FAcebook ) for 2 days
working on yoga
Did heaps of roadtripping on Bal!
have more dresses than jeans now! (1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of white pants vs a lot of dresses and skirts)
Work in progress. Getting better when standing up teaching!
In Amed, Bali
by now i'm the local crepe expert
September: t-shirt, threw out pair of socks
October: a bunch of hairtyes
tough one... Put it on my whiteboard to help me remember...
Oct 2012: 2/4
updated the colour.
bought two plants.... does that count as growing something?
16-08-2012 Went to Andy Warhole exhibtion in Marina Sands Bays.
Super cool!!!
Only need to pick a date
Will not post them, but send them with family...
And still not back in country of origin.. Abroad starts to be a vague definition...
Position while riding improved! Now work on riding a scooter normally
failed badly this month because of 3 vet visits this month..
Dresses aren't that bad after all! Getting comfi in them now!
went to a meeting a week ago which was boring, and not mandatory, but again; nothing else...
changed this one into, get good in another sport next to surfing, Surfing sucks (actually, i'm just to clumsy to do it )
got one new skirt! Didn't threw anything out yet...
How come i never seem to ind time for this one? still didn't meditate again after last note, will work on it!
my hair is now mahogany
Video report for June 2012:
Bought bracelets.
1 photo's for Brochure Pete

2 photo of clinic
Not easy, but working on it.
Made notes with good qoutes on them, and wrote my 101things@hmamail.com on them, to combine it with my other goal.
saving for it ATM
Made notes with good quotes on them, and to combine them with my other goal, wrote my anonymous email adres on them to
found the password for my old youtube channel, and uploaded a short intro. Made heaps of short movies already this month, so in a few days i only have to put it together
Made some envelopes with money for clothes, food, bike, Poppy, savings, and ticket. Still don't have a bank account here on Bali, so have to do it the old fashioned way. Seems to work, till today i'm on schedule.
Said yes to a diner invitation that i REALLY didn't feel like, but had nothing else to do...
Bought some new stuff (2 skirts, 1 shorts, 1 tanktop), threw out a pair of od socks.
hmmpppff this is a hard one. Meditated once this week. First time this month... :s

P = Poppy of course!
I think that untill now, i was wearing a dress for about 10 times already this month! Even got some (tiny) skirts, that i actually put on (allright that was only once, but still).
Getting waaay more comfortable already!
Wow, i'm in a dress again! 31/05
31/5: Wore a dress to little party
K = Karatekid

May: -Met 2 random cool people in warung
-went to this network party thing, met loads of interresting people.

June :- Talked with guy on beach.