Jo Hoff
I know this is a public forum, but for me, goals are a very personal issue that I rarely share. Growing up, my father and brother used to mock and ridicule any goals that I would set for myself - making talking about things I wanted into an ugly, risky thing. So, just posting this list out here is a very hard thing for me. I don't like telling anyone about things I want. I usually just do what I need quietly in order to get them. So, if you must comment, please do so gently.

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13 Jan, 16
Marked goal Pay for a stranger's groceries as Done!
13 Jan, 16
Marked goal Find an amazing man to be part of my life as Done!
13 Jan, 16
Marked goal Visit the new aquarium as Done!
Aug 01, 2013 - Apr 28, 2016
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!