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Write my personal manifesto
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On 251 lists and 17 people have done it.
Guide here: http://galadarling.com/article/how-to-write-a-personal-mission-statement
This year:

I will try to know myself better, my capabilities as well as my limitations.

I will make stories, good stories, and share them, through any medium possible. I will give others my time, freely.

I will take risks. For every no, I will say yes.

I will learn control and moderation, materially as well as emotionally.

Learn to make decisions for myself

I will ask myself what I really want.

I will relinquish regret. I do not need to atone. The mistakes I make don't dictate my self worth. Let go.

I will stand up for myself.

I will stop procrastinating and start working on my health, mental and physical.

I will take the time to seek inspiration

I will make time to shut the door, and block out distractions

I will take advice

I will remember I can always make more money. But I will make more of what I do have and work within a budget that rewards me, not smothers me.

I will try to prevent times when I feel cornered, pressured or led.

I will try to avoid having my time taken by things that don't fully engage or stimulate me.

I will not stifle what I want, for what others want.
Well - I've temporarily abandoned writing fan mail instead to think on my personal manifesto. For once, I'm really thinking about what life means to me.
Research started concerning what my manifesto will contain and essentially what I stand for.
Done! I wrote this in my personal journal.