Kiki and I camped for 2 nights in Death Valley at the Texas Springs campground. It was some of the most geographically diverse and incredible views I've seen. Here were some of the highlights for us:
- Zabriskie Point - Saw sunset here, my favorite part of the trip. An epic viewpoint with strange looking rock formations. Colors on rocks I'd never seen before. Beautiful viewpoint right off the road.
- Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. Went there during sunset and drank some wine with cheese. Incredible view out on the sand dunes. People were sliding down with sand boards and sleds. So much fun running down the dunes. Saw some kangaroo rat footprints.
- Badwater Basin - The lowest point in north america, we walked all the way out to the lake, all salts flats. It was pretty trippy.
- Ubehebe Crater - About an hour drive up north from our campsite, this massive crater had all kinds of black volcanic ash mounds around the crater to drive through which was awesome. We hiked into the crater and wandered the bottom clay-cracked floor. Then headed up, which was the difficult part. We ate lunch halfway up on a giant stone and enjoyed the view. What a place.
- The Devil's Golf Course - crazy salt formations, very desolate and massive.
- Golden Canyon - This great hike took us off course where we hiked up a giant rock/clay type formation and got an amazing ariel of the area including the Red Cathedral rock.
- The drive is constantly a scenic route. Driving into Death Valley from LA it's a crazy, winding, path with many breathtaking and nerve-wracking views.
Other highlights included Mosaic Canyon, The Natural Bridge, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, The Devil's Cornfield, hearing coyotes at night camping, seeing coyotes at dusk, watching the stars like I've never seen them before, and enjoying the star convention happening where we learned about the stars and looked through telescopes from amateur astrologists and park rangers. It happened to be the darkest weekend of the year in the park.
(less) (less) Kiki and I camped for 2 nights in Death Valley at the Texas Springs campground. It was some of the most geographically diverse and incredible views I've seen. Here were some of the highlights for us:
- Zabriskie Point - Saw sunset here, my favorite part of the trip. An epic viewpoint with strange looking rock formations. Colors on rocks I'd never seen before. Beautiful viewpoint right off the road.
- Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. Went there during sunset and drank some wine with cheese. Incredible view out on the sand dunes. People were sliding down with sand boards and sleds. So much fun
(...more)Kiki and I camped for 2 nights in Death Valley at the Texas Springs campground. It was some of the most geographically diverse and incredible views I've seen. Here were some of the highlights for us:
- Zabriskie Point - Saw sunset here, my favorite part of the trip. An epic viewpoint with s