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🌍 Visit all 7 continents / 🇮🇹 Visit Italy / 🏯 Visit the Great Wall of China CHINA / 🍀 Visit Ireland / 🚗 Visit all 50 states / 🍁 Take a photo of a place through all four seasons / Visit Canada / Travel to Europe / Visit Australia / Go to Italy / Visit Greece / Visit France / 🎨 Paint something / 🗼 Climb the Eiffel Tower PARIS / 🇳🇿 Visit New Zealand / Visit Germany / 🌊 Visit the Cliffs of Moher IRELAND / 🌲 Visit the Black Forest GERMANY / 🏰 Visit Florence ITALY / Go to Scotland / 🏯 Walk on the Great Wall of China CHINA / Go to Mexico / 🇳🇿 Go to New Zealand / Go to Africa / 🏜 Visit Monument Valley ARIZONA / Go on a photography walk / Visit Mexico / 🛫 Visit a new continent / Visit Norway / Walk the Great Wall of China CHINA / Travel to another continent / Visit White Sands NEW MEXICO / 🌋 See a volcano / Drive across the US / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Travel to Canada / Travel to Spain / Visit China / Visit the USA / Visit South America / See the Great Wall of China CHINA / 🌋 Visit Iceland's Volcanoes ICELAND / Travel to Africa / 🏞️ Visit Milford Sound NEW ZEALAND / Visit Asia / 🏯 Stand on the Great Wall of China CHINA / Read a book set in a different country / Visit all 50 states of USA / 🌍 Visit every continent / Visit Russia / 🛫 Visit Australia and New Zealand / Visit Portugal / Go to Austrailia / 🏞️ Visit Zion National Park UTAH / Visit the ancient ruins of a fallen civilization / 🌅 Watch the sunset from the Grand Canyon / See the Leaning Tower of Pisa ITALY / Travel around Europe / Visit Turkey / Visit Brazil / Go on a train trip / Visit London and take a picture with Big Ben / Go to South America / Travel to India / Visit a different continent / Visit South Africa / Start a photoblog / Visit Africa / Find a sunflower field / Set foot on all seven continents / Visit Australia and/or New Zealand / Travel through Europe / 🏔️ Visit the Trentino Dolomites ITALY / Travel to Iceland / Travel to a different continent / Visit Kinkaku-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) JAPAN / Visit Vietnam / Visit 3 different continents / 🏜️ Visit Arches National Park UTAH / Visit a volcano / Go to Sweden / Travel to Australia and New Zealand / Visit Death Valley National Park CALIFORNIA / Drive across the USA / Visit Australia / New Zealand / 🏜️ Visit Antelope Canyon ARIZONA / Attend a photo exhibition / Peep the fall foliage in New England UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏔️ Visit the Scottish Highlands SCOTLAND / Take a road trip across the U.S UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to South Africa / Go to Wales / Visit Northeastern USA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🦕 Visit Petrified Forest National Park ARIZONA / Visit Argentina / Complete a photo scavenger hunt / 🏔️ Visit the Norway Fjords NORWAY / Travel to Australia / New Zealand / Ride the Trans-Siberian Railway / Walk along the Great Wall of China / Travel across Europe / Visit Korea / Go to Four Corners, USA / 🌸 See Monet's Garden in Giverny FRANCE / 🌄 See the Fairy chimney formations in Cappadocia TURKEY / Complete the A-Z city challenge (visit a town or city that starts with every letter of the alphabet) / Go to Portugal / Go to Australia and New Zealand / Visit all 50 state capitals / Road trip across Canada / Go to Israel / Visit Belfast NORTHERN IRELAND / 🚴♂️ Attend the Tour de France FRANCE / Visit New England / Visit the Czech Republic / 🇳🇿 Travel to each end of New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Visit Hawaii and see a volcano / 🏰 Visit Romania / Visit Craters of the Moon National Monument IDAHO / Visit New Mexico UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Santa Fe NEW MEXICO / Visit Northern Ireland UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the French countryside of Provence FRANCE / Visit the Eden Project / Visit an active volcano / Have my picture taken in front of the Sydney Opera House / See Tulips blossom at Keukenhof Gardens NETHERLANDS / Travel to Portugal / Visit Canyonlands National Park UTAH / Go to New Zealand or Australia / Go to Peru / Go to a UNESCO World Heritage site / Visit all 50 state capitals in the USA / Travel across Canada / See Mount Fuji JAPAN / Visit the North Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit Indonesia / Go to New Mexico / Visit 10 National Parks / 🌲 Visit Patagonia / Visit the southern hemisphere / 🌋 Visit Hawaii Volcanoes National Park HAWAII / Visit the Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama JAPAN / 🇨🇱 Visit Chile / Visit Newfoundland / Visit the South Island of New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Australian Outback AUSTRALIA / See the Golden Waterfall in Gullfoss ICELAND / Visit Kenya / 🌋 See a volcano erupt / Explore South America / Go to Tasmania / Visit Cappadocia TURKEY / Photograph the Golden Gate Bridge CALIFORNIA / 🐍 Visit the Vermillion Cliffs UTAH / 🏙️ Visit Lima PERU / 🏜️ Visit the Badlands / See the Lord of the Rings sites in New Zealand / Explore Antelope Canyon ARIZONA / Visit Wellington NEW ZEALAND / Visit Namibia / 🐘 Visit Namib Naukluft National Park NAMIBIA / 🌄 Visit Cusco PERU / Visit Malaga SPAIN / Do the trans-mongolian railway train journey / Visit Colombia / Take a Trans-Siberian train trip across Russia RUSSIA / Tour the Salar de Uyuni BOLIVIA / Visit the Biltmore Estate NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Tajikistan / Visit the Hebrides SCOTLAND / 🇲🇲 Visit Myanmar / Visit all 58 US National Parks / Visit every country in South America / Visit Kochia Hill at Hitachi Seaside Park during autumn JAPAN / Visit a new UNESCO World Heritage Site / Visit Macedonia / Visit Beirut LEBANON / 🌳 Explore Vondelpark in the summer NETHERLANDS / Visit Hershey Gardens PENNSYLVANIA / 🏔️ See the Rocky Mountains UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to Hanging Rock in Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit the Bonneville Salt Flats UTAH / Hug a redwood / 🏛️ Visit Ankara TURKEY / Go hot air ballooning in Coppadocia TURKEY / Visit the Highlands of Iceland / Walk England from Coast to Coast / Hike Hadrians Wall - UK / Travel around South America / Take a vacation to Scotland / 🌊 Visit Cathedral Cove NEW ZEALAND / Visit Iran / Climb the Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Visit Pretoria SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Hokkaido JAPAN / 🏄 Try Sandboarding in Peru PERU / Visit Venezuela / Visit Ethiopia / Visit the Northern Territory AUSTRALIA / Visit La Paz BOLIVIA / Visit Monet's Garden FRANCE / Travel the Mountain Railways of India INDIA / Road trip through the UK & Ireland / Hike the Ice Age National Scenic Trail WISCONSIN / Wonder at the scenery of the Highlands SCOTLAND / Write a travel book / Visit the Dole Pineapple Plantation HAWAII / Visit Biltmore Estate NORTH CAROLINA / Go off-roading / Wander through Ushuaia, the world's most southern city ARGENTINA / See the cherry blossoms in Japan JAPAN / 🏞️ Visit the Iguassu Falls BRAZIL / Visit Bolivia / Visit Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA / See The Wave in Utah / Visit Rwanda / Go on a photo excursion once every month / Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina / Discover the French equivalent of the Grand Canyon, the Gorges du Verdon FRANCE / Visit the Atacama Desert CHILE / 🌿 See the lavender fields in Provence FRANCE / Visit Orkney Isles SCOTLAND / Visit Lake Baikal RUSSIA / Take a hot-air balloon flight over the Red Centre AUSTRALIA / Visit Lake Como ITALY / 🌷 Visit the Keukenhof NETHERLANDS / Go to Nigeria / Visit Andorra la Vella ANDORRA / Visit Caracas VENEZUELA / Visit Bangladesh / Take a walking tour of Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Visit Sardinia ITALY / Visit Crete GREECE / Visit Zhangye Danxia Landform CHINA / Take a year off and drive around Australia AUSTRALIA / Take a trip to the Hoge Veluwe National Park near Arnhem NETHERLANDS / Visit New England in the fall UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Land's End ENGLAND / See the Caspian Sea / Watch the sunset from Steep Point AUSTRALIA / Visit the Atacama Desert when it is in flower (Desierto Florido) CHILE / Visit St. Ives ENGLAND / Visit Xishuangbanna CHINA / Visit Trolltunga NORWAY / Marvel at The Pinnacles AUSTRALIA / Visit Cork IRELAND / Visit Taliesin WISCONSIN / Visit the Atomium BELGIUM / Visit Zimbabwe / Visit Brecon Beacons WALES / 🏜️ Visit White Sands National Park NEW MEXICO / Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge / Visit Latin America / 🇸🇻 Visit El Salvador / Visit the Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN / Visit Syria / Drive across the Saskatchewan prairies CANADA / Visit the desert of Maine MAINE / Travel the Beartooth Highway MONTANA / Walk the rim of Kings Canyon AUSTRALIA / Experience Karijini National Park AUSTRALIA / 🏰 See castles in Wallonia BELGIUM / Travel to Namibia / Visit Kazakhstan / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Visit Valley de los Ingenios CUBA / Visit Mount Taishan CHINA / Visit John O'Groats SCOTLAND / See the 2000 year old olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane ISRAEL / Explore the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest JAPAN / Visit Dalat VIETNAM / Visit Limburg an der Lahn GERMANY / Visit Skane SWEDEN / Visit Durdle Door, Dorset ENGLAND / Visit Shelburne Farms VERMONT / Visit the Classical Gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu CHINA / Visit Moldova / Visit Eastern Canada CANADA / Visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park ENGLAND / Visit Armenia / 🏰 Visit Cuenca (UNESCO) SPAIN / Travel the Silk Road / Explore the scenic shrines and countryside of the Nikko National Park JAPAN / Soak up the spectacular Flinders Ranges AUSTRALIA / Witness the tallest waterfall in the world, the Angel Falls VENEZUELA / Visit Kyoto Gardens in Holland Park ENGLAND / Visit South Wales UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens NEW YORK / Visit Geirangerfjord NORWAY / Visit Gardens by the Bay SINGAPORE / Visit the Blue Mountains National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Pisco PERU / Visit the U.S. National Arboretum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit South of the Border SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Thingvellir National Park ICELAND / Visit Uppsala SWEDEN / Visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Visit Uzbekistan / Visit Pueblo de Taos NEW MEXICO /