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Influence a person to make a day zero list

Step one, I'm trying to talk Molly into joining up with me!
Emailed Dragon to join up.
Posted to Facebook and Twitter
Emailed Dragon to join up.
Posted to Facebook and Twitter

Emma Strachan joined DayZero

Louise Strachan joined Day Zero

Andrea has done a list that we are also working through

Kate :)


My daughter 1/17/14

My sister 1/16/14

J Millions made a list!

Done! Check out Brandii's list at:

Boyfriend -

Thank you Amanda Gonzalez!!!

Influenced my beautiful girlfriend into making a day zero list :D

Madison Rummel created one last night! I'm excited to follow her journey!

justnevergiveup and julia94 :)

Didnt take very long to influence one Miss Sarah King!

22.01.2013 Christine create her own list after seeing a post on my FB wall :)

Made a blog to inspire people to make a list ! :D

I got Stephen to do it with me! :D

My friend Jens joined in!

Following Moxisag! This will be an adventure!!!

12/23/12 - posted it on Facebook to see if anyone will join me :)

Cousin Stephanie

Val might be!

Ellen and Nicole now joined Day Zero :)

I convinced someone to join - hopefully they will make good use of them.

Quick and dirty!

Carollongo, I love you!!!

Mwa ha ha. Our mutual support/distract society continues.

Elinne, my sister!

I made a video and posted it on YouTube so hopefully it influenced someone...

Got my hubby to make a list!


Got the boyfriend to do one! :) I find it amusing that he has aversion to anything that involves writing or lists:

I tweeted the day zero website address and people have replied that it looks interesting and they want to have a go!

Charol Dayao and Eva Marie Sweet have both started their lists! Written and starting to achieve!

Best mate was quick to join. Yah!

Jwall2 :).

Autumn has joined as well... Hope more keep doing it

Done! Snagged Mom into this one! ^_^

That be Noodle :)

Gracias Herman!

I influenced Kiara

Melanie has taken on the challenge.

I've influenced 3 people already!! Maybe I should have set this goal a little higher??

1. Rodielyn Joy Anne Frani

Influenced Sarah Meng to start a DayZero List. :)

Probably going to bully Jason or Damani into doing this. :3

Rachel Leung and Peiyi Liang

Marc started his a couple of nights ago :)

1/4/2012 - Mom is working on a list.

Marianaf' :3

monark trivedi. @touchappu. twitter friend made his own zero list too. :)
suruchi joined it too.
suruchi joined it too.


Katie Brewer :)

First task done and was fairly easy. So proud of myself.

Fiona, Aunty Anne!

Nathan Dec. 5/2011

While I was doing the list a friend saw and liked it very much, she said she'll do it, when she does I'll mark DONE.

She signed up last night and this makes me happy.



Completed 10/13/11

Influenced Lizzy 10/4/11

ironically i was talking to my husband about the day zero list thru IM and he told me that he had just started his own... what are the odds!?!?!?!

Got Sophie F to sign up.

Patricia, Andrew Becker, Lauren Sherby, Kaitii, Triston

Sarah! Should really get one more tho, since this was done before starting over.

Daisy Walton and Andrea Hemmings

I influenced my sis to join the project

Yay! tanusha is in da house!!! I believe we will get better throught this and enhance our lives!!
I think Arman too, not 100% sure tho
I think Arman too, not 100% sure tho
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