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Donate to a charity or organization

I donated to the removal of landmines in Laos.

First batch of stuff headed to the Goodwill... more as I continue the yearly "emptying the apartment" tradition.

Goodbye glasses that I don't wear anymore. Hope they enjoy and help their second owner much more than the spectacle boxes at the back of my cupboard

Donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation today :)

$5 - MDA

Donated to dog guides of Canada.

20 zł for a young girl in need.

Donated several canned goods that were not being eaten and just going to waste to a local food bank where families who really need it can have something to eat.

03.24.12 - Donated $20 to MS
Empowerment Kindness Support Philanthropy Volunteerism Charity Community Service Generosity Giving Back Social Responsibility Volunteering Altruism Helping Others Non-Profit Outreach Humanitarian Aid Social Impact Fundraising Giving Donation Charity Work Community Support
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