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Gananoque ( GAN-ə-NOK-way) is a town in the Leeds and Grenville area of Ontario, Canada. The town had a population of 5,194 year-round residents in the Canada 2011 Census, as well as summer residents sometimes referred to as "Islanders" because of the Thousand Islands in the Saint Lawrence River, Gananoque's most important tourist attraction. The Gananoque River flows through the town and the St. Lawrence River serves as the southern boundary of the town.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Gananoque and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).
Travel Nature Culture Tourism Relaxation Hiking Photography Entertainment Family-Friendly Shopping Fishing Waterfront Festivals Scenic Boating Foodie Kayaking Canoeing Biking Dining Small Town Charm Small Town
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