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🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / Go camping for a weekend / 🛶 Go canoeing / 🛶 Visit Alaska UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / See the ocean / Go to Alaska / Go on a camping trip / Go on a boat ride / Get a new hobby / 🏞️ Visit Milford Sound NEW ZEALAND / Go paddleboarding / 🚣♂️ Visit Halong Bay VIETNAM / Visit Maine UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit the Bay of Fundy CANADA / Spend an entire day outside / Visit Croatia / Go to Norway / Visit the UK / Visit the seaside / Take a tropical vacation / Visit Cape Cod MASSACHUSETTS / Go sea kayaking / Live near the ocean / Travel to Alaska / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / 🐊 Visit Everglades National Park FLORIDA / Go to Maine / 🏔️ Visit Glacier Bay National Park ALASKA / Canoe down a river / Visit Washington UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit British Columbia CANADA / Visit New England / Visit South Carolina UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Travel to Costa Rica / Visit Rhode Island UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏞️ Visit the Masurian Lake District POLAND / 🇳🇿 Travel around New Zealand / Visit the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Go sea kayaking in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Visit Prince Edward Island CANADA / Swim in a lake or ocean / 🐊 See the Everglades FLORIDA / Go to New Zealand or Australia / Visit Khao Sok National Park THAILAND / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Kayak in the open ocean / Go to the Florida Keys / Visit Devon ENGLAND / Visit Idaho UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Swim in a Bioluminescent Bay / Visit West Virginia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Delaware UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Explore South America / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Visit Northeast Greenland National Park GREENLAND / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Experience the Shubenacadie tidal bore CANADA / Visit the California North Coast CALIFORNIA / Dive into Puerto Rico's Bioluminescent Bay PUERTO RICO / Visit the Everglades FLORIDA / Visit Krabi THAILAND / Hang out on Cannon Beach OREGON / Visit all 58 US National Parks / Visit Svalbard NORWAY / See where the rainforest meets the sea in the Daintree AUSTRALIA / 🐠 Visit Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / Visit Door County WISCONSIN / Spend the day in Seaside OREGON / Visit the NaPali Coast on Kauai HAWAII / Visit Stewart Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit Congaree National Park SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Greenland / Visit the Pacific Ocean / Visit the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore WISCONSIN / 🌊 Visit Cathedral Cove NEW ZEALAND / Visit Shark Bay, Western Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Fiordland National Park NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Cambodian Coast CAMBODIA / 🏔️ Visit Kenai Fjords National Park ALASKA / 🦀 Visit Chesapeake Bay MARYLAND / Visit Byron Bay AUSTRALIA / Sea Kayak in Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Visit Okefenokee Swamp Park GEORGIA / 🏝️ Visit Dry Tortugas National Park FLORIDA / Visit Tofino CANADA / Visit Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore INDIANA / Visit the Brazilian Pantanal BRAZIL / 🏞️ Visit Voyageurs National Park MINNESOTA / 🏞️ Visit Isle Royale National Park MICHIGAN / Learn to roll in a kayak / Visit Biscayne National Park FLORIDA / 🛶 Visit the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness MINNESOTA / Visit Cuyahoga Valley National Park OHIO / Kayak Catedral de Marmol CHILE / 🌲 Visit Saskatchewan CANADA / Visit Hilton Head Island SOUTH CAROLINA / Explore Great Barrier Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Gulf of California MEXICO / Visit the Oregon Coast / Visit the Assateague Island National Seashore MARYLAND / Visit Block Island RHODE ISLAND / Visit Isla Holbox MEXICO / Visit Channel Islands National Park CALIFORNIA / Sea Kayak Alaska's Kenai Fjords National Park / Go paddleboating / Visit Palawan PHILIPPINES / Visit Fairmont Hot Springs CANADA / Visit Rotorua NEW ZEALAND / 🏞️ Visit Itasca State Park MINNESOTA / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / Visit Waiheke Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Delaware Seashore State Park DELAWARE / Explore the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island CANADA / Visit Svalbard and see the northern lights NORWAY / Visit Whitehaven Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit the L.L. Bean Flagship Store MAINE / Visit Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park WYOMING / Visit Grand Haven State Park MICHIGAN / Visit Haida Gwaii CANADA / Kayak down the Tennessee River TENNESSEE / Visit Uruguay / Visit Lake Michigan UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Explore the James Bond Island, Ko Ping Kan THAILAND / Visit Silver Sands State Park CONNECTICUT / Visit the Kenai Fjords National Park ALASKA / Sea Kayak the San Juan Islands WASHINGTON / Kayak the Na Pali Coast HAWAII / Visit Michigan's Upper Peninsula MICHIGAN / Visit Abel Tasman National Park NEW ZEALAND / Paddle the Everglades FLORIDA / Visit Hammonasset Beach State Park CONNECTICUT / Visit Uppsala SWEDEN / Visit Ilulissat Icefjord GREENLAND / Take to the water in Hyde Park ENGLAND / Sail around Ha long bay VIETNAM / Sail through Milford Sound NEW ZEALAND / Visit Amelia Island FLORIDA / Visit the Åland Islands FINLAND / Visit the Coromandel NEW ZEALAND / Visit the San Juan islands WASHINGTON / Visit the Magdalen Islands CANADA / Canoe the Okeefenokee FLORIDA / Kayak the Maine Island Trail MAINE / Visit the Bay of Islands NEW ZEALAND / Visit Beaufort SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Holland State Park MICHIGAN / Walk the beach at Grand Isle LOUISIANA / Visit the Valdes Peninsula ARGENTINA / Visit Montauk NEW YORK / Visit a tropical island / Visit Cumberland Island GEORGIA / Visit Tahquamenon Falls MICHIGAN / Visit the Boundary Waters Canoe Area MINNESOTA / Visit Sebago Lake MAINE / Visit the Jersey Shore NEW JERSEY / Visit the Adirondacks NEW YORK / Paddle Santa Cruz Island CALIFORNIA / Camp in Big Sur CALIFORNIA / Visit Tobermory CANADA / Visit Tromsø NORWAY / Paddle Lake Powell UTAH / Float the Big Bend of the Rio Grande TEXAS / Visit Doubtful Sound NEW ZEALAND / Spend the day at the beach at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Spend the Finnish midsummer in a mökkit (summer cottage) FINLAND / Travel somewhere tropical / Visit Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park HAWAII / Spend the weekend in one of the limestone islands at Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Visit Palau / Visit the Atlantic Ocean / Visit Fire Island NEW YORK / Go ocean kayaking / Visit Wisconsin Dells WISCONSIN / Visit Assateague Island UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Great Falls along the Potomac River MARYLAND / Visit Flathead Lake MONTANA / Explore Inagua, an eco-lovers paradise BAHAMAS / Visit Chugach National Forest ALASKA / Explore the salt marshes and sheltered lagoons at Kouchibouguac National Park CANADA / Explore the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary BELIZE / Go camping on a beach / Visit the Cape Cod National Seashore MASSACHUSETTS / Visit El Nido PHILIPPINES / Visit Provincetown MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Caddo Lake TEXAS / Visit Steamboat Springs COLORADO / Visit Juneau ALASKA / Visit Sunshine Coast AUSTRALIA / Visit Ittoqqortoormiit's National Park GREENLAND / Kayak in Doubtful Sound NEW ZEALAND / Visit Cherokee National Forest TENNESSEE / Go camping at Lake George NEW YORK / Travel to a state I haven't visited before / Visit the Southern Gulf Islands CANADA / Go to Ottawa / Explore Folkestone Marine Park BARBADOS / Camp at Killarney National Park IRELAND / Take a vacation to Florida / Take a vacation to Norway / Live in Alaska / Kayak around the waterways of the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve GERMANY / Visit Nunavut CANADA / Visit Cape May NEW JERSEY / Paddle down a bayou LOUISIANA / Visit Devils Lake State Park NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Queen Charlotte Sound NEW ZEALAND / Relax on Cayo Largo CUBA / Take a river kayaking course / Go camping for a night / Visit Bruce Peninsula National Park CANADA / Visit Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit Møre og Romsdal NORWAY / Paddle the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Kayak Lake Yellowstone WYOMING / Visit Chincoteague Island VIRGINIA / Visit Lake Wanaka NEW ZEALAND / Visit Ketchikan ALASKA / Visit Wade Lake, Beaverhead National Forest MONTANA / Explore the Central California Coast CALIFORNIA / Visit Homer ALASKA / Visit Kenai ALASKA / Canoe the Adirondacks NEW YORK / Visit Kodiak Island ALASKA / Visit Leticia COLOMBIA / Visit Mosquito Bay (Bioluminescent Bay) PUERTO RICO / Visit Druskininkai LITHUANIA / Canoe along the Wye Valley ENGLAND / Visit Watkins Glen NEW YORK / Kayak to the Mokes HAWAII / Explore Andros and its creeks, forests and mangroves BAHAMAS / Soak up the sun at Ria Formosa PORTUGAL / Go to Okeefenokee Swamp GEORGIA / Kayak in the Bioluminescent Bay of Fajardo PUERTO RICO / Tour Maine Islands MAINE / Spend the Day at Kailua Beach HAWAII / Visit the Apostle Islands WISCONSIN / Learn how to paddle board / Visit South Padre Island TEXAS / 🛫 Take a weekend trip to Seattle WASHINGTON / Attend a beach barbecue at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Visit Jinja on the shores of Lake Victoria UGANDA / Visit Niue / Visit the Andaman Coast THAILAND / Visit Gabon / Go canoeing on River Czarna Hańcza POLAND / Kayak with whale sharks at Espiritu Santo MEXICO / Paddle down the Perfume River in Hue VIETNAM / Visit Hilton Head SOUTH CAROLINA / Experience the North Maine Woods MAINE / Visit Patapsco Valley State Park MARYLAND / Visit Valdez ALASKA / Go camping at Devil's Lake OREGON / Visit Lake Powell UTAH / Visit Flathead National Wild and Scenic River MONTANA / Visit the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area PENNSYLVANIA / Have a go at any water sport along the coast PORTUGAL / Go sea-kayaking in the north of the country CANADA / Experience Mount Isa AUSTRALIA / Kayak in Lake Mantasoa MADAGASCAR / Explore Nuuk GREENLAND / Bask at the Levera Bay beach GRENADA / Go kayaking down the Nam Song River in Vang Vieng LAOS / Visit Prince William Sound ALASKA / Visit all Florida State Parks FLORIDA / Visit Lochmara Lodge NEW ZEALAND / Visit Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore MICHIGAN / Swim in Lake Malawi MALAWI / Visit Silver Springs FLORIDA / Learn Paddling at Nantahala Outdoor Center NORTH CAROLINA / Paddle 340 Miles of the Mighty Missouri—Nonstop MISSOURI / Visit Lovers Key FLORIDA / Go kayaking on Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit Pulau Ubin SINGAPORE / Visit the Myrtle Beach State Park SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Hinchinbrook Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Tin Can Bay AUSTRALIA / Visit Yyteri FINLAND / Visit Bang Krachao THAILAND / 🌴 Visit Ubatuba BRAZIL / Visit Coronado CALIFORNIA / Explore the Whitsundays AUSTRALIA / Visit Solomons Island Boardwalk MARYLAND / Visit Popps Ferry Causeway Park MISSISSIPPI / Visit Gananoque, Ontario CANADA / Visit Hatta UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🌴 See the Nā Pali Coast HAWAII / Visit Bocas del Toro PANAMA / Visit Sitka ALASKA / Visit Waldport OREGON / Visit Menorca SPAIN / Visit Sitca ALASKA / Visit Flensburg GERMANY / Visit Calvert Cliffs State Park MARYLAND / Visit Nunavut and the Northwest Territories CANADA / Visit the Parrametta River, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Lake Huron CANADA / Camp at Farragut State Park IDAHO / Kayak around the Kvarner Islands CROATIA / Visit the Pagsanjan Gorge National Park PHILIPPINES /