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Clean out my closet
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Complete floor to ceiling cleaning. All old, worn out and don't fit clothing eliminated. Everything is now organized and easy to find!
So, I have three closets in my house -- and I have cleaned out two of them. And man, I unloaded a fuckin boatload of stuff. Wintercoats, candleholders, trinket trays, old picture frames, outgrown shoes -- I mean, basically, you name it. I have yet to tackle my own closet -- as in, where I keep my clothes -- but I'm hoping by mid-August I will get around to it. I plan on buying a lot of new clothes, and I want to thin out all my old and worn out stuff first.
Aug 16, 2020: tossing out two old black tops after laundry that are worn out.
Plan for Sep 6, 2020
Okay, the photo is very sideways. :P However, I've been working on tidying up my room - I mean really tidying it - for a while with a friend of mine to help. We finally reached my closet, and have sorted through a lot of boxes, thrown out my old college textbooks, and I took six bags to Goodwill :)
Cleaned house... Pasted quotations... Feeling relaxed and organised...
Went through all the extra fabrics I was saving and purged 80% of them. Now I have space in my closet.
Cleared out things I hadn't worn or didn't like. Still need to go through the shelves and the floor.
Zo, een opgeruimde kast en meteen de helft van de benodigde 100 dingen om weg te gooien bij elkaar verzameld in grote vuilniszakken voor de zak van Max 👍🏻
Got rid of 7 bags of clothing!
Cleaned out all the closets that I own!! Filled two bags of clothes for charity, and threw out a sh*t load of old cosmetics, shampoos etc.
Time to throw out unusable clothes! No pity shall befall them! Grrr!
Jan. 11th - 2016: Went through my entire closet and donated everything that I haven't worn in the last 3 months (with the exception of my summer clothes).
Living in the Netherlands, then moving back home, and preparing to move for Canada has definitely changed my closet and style habits. Also, mostly due to my immensely improved self-confidence I feel good wearing what I have, rather than wishing for all those H&M and Lindex clothes (can't deny that I still own some of those..). However, during this year I became this old-school hippy girl I have always wished to be but never dared. And this saved quite a lot of space in my closet!
This means all four closets in my childhood bedroom
3-5-12 - Made outrageous progress today, getting rid of well over 75 items. More work will need to be done, though, to go to a more organized closet.

8-30-14 - Closet organizers installed, many clothes donated, looks great!
did that before the baby
Another one I am marking done because I did the work, even though it does not show because of the move. I just need to make sure to do a final pass through my clothes when I finally get around to putting them away!
Now that my prom dresses are gone, this is all finished!
Alles uit de kast - Check!

Uitzoeken bewaren of weg -

Netjes terug in de kast -
2014-02-12: In der letzten Woche hat K. mir große Kästen gekauft, in denen jetzt sowohl Haushaltswäsche als auch meine Shirts, Tücher, Nachtwäsche etc. fein säuberlich beschriftet untergebracht sind. Was für ein Unterschied, wenn plötzlich alles auch an dem zugewiesenen Platz bleibt und nicht mehr durch die Gegend fliegt. Alles, was nicht in den Kästen unterzubringen war, flog weg. :D Jetzt muss ich nur noch die Hängegarderobe und die Bettwäsche durchgehen.
I've made a bag full of old clothes, some are sold, some are going to church next time they came an ask for it.

So i decided it done now
I actually do this quite regularly without realising. I recently turned my office into a dressing room so had a clear out of clothes, shoes and accessories, plenty of space for new things now...
1st - Fall Cleaning (September, 1 2013)
Partially done 7/28
3rd July 2013: Threw out so many tshirts and underwear!
Tuesday 25th June 2013 - sorted all clothes.
Completed! I got rid of tons of things (so it's time for some selling/giving away projects, huh?) and now my closet looks so much better. And suddenly choosing an outfit in the morning has become so easy ; )
Reversed all the hangers in my closet. Working on the hung clothing first.
3/21/13-Last week cleaned everything out except for what I use on a daily basis.
Yea.. I had to remove some clothes and upgrade my gear..
Even if I now have three, yes, three totes of shoes, my closet is clean, organized and sooo pretty.
All re-organized. CHECK!
Done in my hometown's closet, should be done soon in my apartment's one =)

cleanin out my closet' ha
I REALLY need to stop holding on to those mini skirts I wore when I was 13. I'm 21 now, my hips are screaming "they don't fit anymore!" but my head won't listen.

I need to buy some more clothes before I can do this properly (otherwise I won't have any easy clothes to wear and won't want to get dressed at all)
This has turned into "Clean out everything."
Done most of it while I was moving my stuff out.
Now i need to sell or give the clothes i don't want anymore...
Completed 10/13/11
Dang. That was a long one. But I got rid of like 3 huge bags of clothes!! This is my first attempt at curing myself of pack-ratishness (so I don't become a hoarder and die from a house full of my junk!). I'm giving all my old clothes to Cara, and all I can say is that she had better keep and cherish these ratty old clothes I have held on to for years!! - July 15, 2011
Done on April 1st
I don't remember when... I JUST FREAKIN DID IT
Must have under 20 pairs of shoes!
[02-10-2010] 2 garbagebags thrown away, 5 garbagebags transported to my new house.
This goal is very much in progress. Mailed a bunch of clothes and shoes to my family in Romania.
10/5/11-Started cleaning out the larger closet, with the help of Dominic. Found somethings to donate.
9/11-Gave away a bunch of wedding stuff and organized the smaller closet.
Will do it tomorrow, 22.7.11. after i come home from exam.
I did it last summer w/ Amy <3