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Underwear and socks drawer.
25 items to go...
Underwear and socks drawer.
25 items to go...
Start 26th June
It's annoying I can't edit the note below...
2. Robert - Netflix
2. Robert - Netflix
Starting fresh... June 20th 2025 is the end date...
1. Simon (2016) - Netflix
1. Simon (2016) - Netflix
Nothing too heavy, some days just mascara and brow pencil. It made me feel better and be more confident at work so I'll try to have this as a habit.
1 - 10
Sorted through stationary drawer. Cleared out more than 10 things but wanted to group them all together. Will take some to the office instead.
Sorted through stationary drawer. Cleared out more than 10 things but wanted to group them all together. Will take some to the office instead.
17/06/2024 - 245lbs - Starting fresh as of today. I have also given up chocolate for the month so hopefully my weight will start to come down.
I started this goal today (17.06.2024) - So far so good whilst at work. However going home will be the real test.
7 Things x 2024
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to be less lazy
- Start exercising regularly
- Stop gambling
- Take a vacation to anywhere.... Take a vacation!
- Find myself
- Try to always improve
- Be more Happy
Note added to goal Go through all my unread books and either read them or get rid of them
I let my Mother go through my books and take what she wants. Truthfully I want to go digital going forward and use the Library ebooks so in time I will get rid of all of them.
I am in the process of enrolling for an English Literature and Creative Writing Degree with the Open University.
4.When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
I literally took this as a personal attack haha! I am all mouth. I say so much about doing various things and I never really do anything. So when everything is said and done, I would certainly have said more.
I don't want to be like that any more though. So this question is more of a kick up the bum than a question.
I literally took this as a personal attack haha! I am all mouth. I say so much about doing various things and I never really do anything. So when everything is said and done, I would certainly have said more.
I don't want to be like that any more though. So this question is more of a kick up the bum than a question.
3.If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things w (...more)
2.Which is worse, failing or never trying?
I have come to the conclusion that never trying is worse. However it was a difficult question for me to answer.
The feeling of failure is awful but if you can change your mindset you will realise that you only fail if you give up or move on. I don't try much and I stay within my comfort zone but thinking hard on this question is making me want to TRY.
I have come to the conclusion that never trying is worse. However it was a difficult question for me to answer.
The feeling of failure is awful but if you can change your mindset you will realise that you only fail if you give up or move on. I don't try much and I stay within my comfort zone but thinking hard on this question is making me want to TRY.
I learned how to cross stitch when I was about 11 years old. I had grown up watching my Mum stitch. Now its my favourite hobby.
I can't decide if I want a physical book, or a kindle copy.
I also can't decide if I want fiction or non fiction - Non fiction will end up being craft books.
I also can't decide if I want fiction or non fiction - Non fiction will end up being craft books.
2023 -
1- Avengement
2- Brightburn
3- Cargo
4- The Departed
5- Erin Brockovich
1- Avengement
2- Brightburn
3- Cargo
4- The Departed
5- Erin Brockovich
Note added to goal Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
E - Erin Brockovich
I really loved this movie, I had been putting off watching it for years and now I regret doing so. I want to watch it again. I do really enjoy all Julia Roberts movies.
I really loved this movie, I had been putting off watching it for years and now I regret doing so. I want to watch it again. I do really enjoy all Julia Roberts movies.
Note added to goal Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
D - (The) Departed
This movie was quite good, although I was disappointed with the ending.
This movie was quite good, although I was disappointed with the ending.
#1 - Avengement
#2 - Brightburn
#3 - Cargo
#4 - (The) Departed
#5 - Erin Brockovich
#2 - Brightburn
#3 - Cargo
#4 - (The) Departed
#5 - Erin Brockovich
2000 - Erin Brockovich
2006 - The Departed
2017 - Cargo
2019 - Brightburn
2000 - Erin Brockovich
2006 - The Departed
2017 - Cargo
2019 - Brightburn
Note added to goal Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
C - Cargo
I really enjoyed this film, it made me cry on a few occasions - As a parent it played on my feelings for my own child. A really well made movie.
I really enjoyed this film, it made me cry on a few occasions - As a parent it played on my feelings for my own child. A really well made movie.
Note added to goal Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
B - Brightburn
Was a pretty good film. Would recommend.
Was a pretty good film. Would recommend.
Note added to goal Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
A- Avengement
Honestly one of the most violent films I have ever seen. I was a good movie though. Recommended if you like British Gangster movies.
Honestly one of the most violent films I have ever seen. I was a good movie though. Recommended if you like British Gangster movies.
Book 1/100 -
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks
This book was really good, I give it 4/5 stars. The ending was a very dissapointing to me however the rest of the book was excellent.
99 books to go. I am yet to choose my next book.
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks
This book was really good, I give it 4/5 stars. The ending was a very dissapointing to me however the rest of the book was excellent.
99 books to go. I am yet to choose my next book.
Book 1/52 -
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks
This book was really good, I give it 4/5 stars. The ending was a very dissapointing to me however the rest of the book was excellent.
51 books to go. I am yet to choose my next book.
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks
This book was really good, I give it 4/5 stars. The ending was a very dissapointing to me however the rest of the book was excellent.
51 books to go. I am yet to choose my next book.
Book 1/51 -
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks
This book was really good, I give it 4/5 stars. The ending was a very dissapointing to me however the rest of the book was excellent.
50 books to go. I am yet to choose my next book.
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks
This book was really good, I give it 4/5 stars. The ending was a very dissapointing to me however the rest of the book was excellent.
50 books to go. I am yet to choose my next book.
7 Things x 2023
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to hand quilt
- Start saving money from every paycheck
- Stop being lazy
- Take a vacation to anywhere
- Find the time to just sit and read
- Try something outside my comfort zone
- Be more Amy
Initially I put £41.44 in my account in line with my 'Save $50 dollars a month' goal.
Howev (...more)
Howev (...more)
Today I put £41.44 into savings which is sightly more than $50USD.
Hopefully I can keep it in there and not keep withdrawing.
Hopefully I can keep it in there and not keep withdrawing.
I currently have Toile, Babysitting, Ripples, Bo Peep, Cradle by Moonlight and Tag along on the go.
Bo Peep is the smallest one however Ripples is the closest to being finished.
Bo Peep is the smallest one however Ripples is the closest to being finished.
Current weight - 239lbs.
Want to get to 139lbs.
Want to get to 139lbs.
239lbs; Starting weight
Goal Weight 1; 149lbs - This will merge in with my other goal of getting to a healthy BMI
Goal Weight 2; 139lbs - Lose 100lbs
Goal Weight 1; 149lbs - This will merge in with my other goal of getting to a healthy BMI
Goal Weight 2; 139lbs - Lose 100lbs
I counted 51 books on my bookshelf that I am yet to read. This is not including kindle books - I shall not be adding the kindle books to this goal as all of the ones on amazon are not actually all mine.
I started my first book last night.
I started my first book last night.
Start 239 - 21/11/2022
Current: 40.7 (Obese)
Goal: 24.9 (146lbs)
Goal: 24.9 (146lbs)