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Christina Ann Marie Lewis
Omaha, NE
Member since May 2010
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I miss you Po, and think about you all the time. I love you so much, you are so special to me!
Monkey on my back, enough said.
This is something that I admit, I have struggled with for years. Working on something that is not there, is....well...hard work?
I have gotton out of the practice of this. I used to be really great at taking photos. I guess I might never have the recharagable batteries to put in my camera?! LOL!
This is just a place that is so beautiful, esp. in the spring and fall. Seems like the best place to meditate!
He will be 60 years old on September 13th, 2010. Time goes by so fast. I love my poppa.
a little bit each day, can mean a world to my well being.
Say yes to mustard.
I love thunderstorms, but I am SO SCARED of tornados....
The more I do now, the less I will have to do later!
I miss them! My dad's mom and step father. They were the best. I feel sad I never really got to know them, as they both passed before I was 14.
Here is a shock. I have never baked. anything. ever.
Love Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyers, among others. Listening to a pod cast or excert a week helps me to stay on track and reassess my goals.
After not having a job for a year, I have worn flip flops, and not reliable shoes for most of this time. My feel are shot! I will take the time to research the best shoes...there are so many to choose from.
I need to be more consistant at this. I love to clean, but just need to do it on a weekly basis.
The one thing that makes me smile: having nice plants and flowers on my patio in the summer. After the winter that we had, this is ever so welcome. I spend A LOT of time outside, so I am looking forward to this!
Flipping yes. The other month, I took the Nintendo from my parents basement. What happened next was the coolest! Dude, I got to level 6 after not playing for 16 years!
Ok, when someone says: "Wanna play cards?" I freeze up like someone asked me to demonstrate my swimming or public speaking skills. No thank you. I don't get cards. I do not know why, I just don't get 'em! If you want me to play UNO or Old Maid, bring it on. Cards, cards? Like with the joker, and king, and stuff? No comprende.
I have never lived in a place that is conducent to having one friend over, let alone several. This will be so great! I will get to work on my cooking skills, as well as be a hostess! How fun!
Alright, Credit Card. You have been following me around for WAY too long, and you are kinda cramping my style. You will be gone sooner then you think, if I have a say so in the situation. Sorry, dude.
As the confidence comes, so does the ability to talk to people one would not usually. Let see how this goes!
If you know me, you know that I spent the better part of 3 years playing pool each weekend. That was a whild ago, but thanks to my new friend Kate, who has a table, I can now enjoy one of my past times. Anyone want to play me?
Just last week, I sat down with Ford, the man, and talked to him about short term and long term goals. Lo and behold, he has been to the gym 2 nights in a row after a lapse of almost a year! So happy that I was able to motivate him!
Momma Lew loves these things, but I think they smell like dirt.
I have done some yoga in my day, and it totally whooped my booty. Let try again!
Love, love, love concerts! Especially outdoor ones. Rock on!
I am the best at being somewhere on time, just not at keeping plans.
I have a lot, but I think this is important just in case of a fire, flood, or other catostrophy.
This is something that I have always wanted to do. I love riding on them, but unfortunatly do not know a lot of people that need a passanger. How cute would I look with a pink helmet on?!
Note added to goal Tye dye
I love to tye dye, but have never taken the time to purchase the fiber reactive dyes that make for a perfect tye dye experience. Let get this started now, I will need it for Burning Man.
Ok, Sushi. You win sucker. I have been avoiding you for years. I do not think I like you, for the simple fact that I have not given you a chance. Now is your time to prove me wrong. You may or may not be the last one crossed off of this list.
This was the class that almost made me drop out of college in 2001. Even though I hated it, I think it is a valuable skill to have under your belt.
I did this for 3 years, so this shouldn't be hard. It will be just like riding a bike?!
This will be the biggest party known (to me so far atleast.)
I love found object walks, and went one one just the other day around my apartment complex.
I got a new computer in December 2009, and have yet to organize everything. It seems a little overwhelming, but just yesterday, I added all of my tunes to itunes. Great start, if you ask me!
I don't really know what in the hell this is, but they always talked about it in Weight Watchers. I need to try new food.
I made my first podcast in April, for a Technology class I took. It was so fun! My goal is to make one podcast a month about Art.
Just something that sounds like fun! Hobby Lobby has all of the stuff, so let's do it!!
I really do not like karaoke. Let's give 'er a whirl.
After the swimming fiasco of 1982, I have been somewhat afraid of the water. I would love to learn how to "properly swim", as I am not a very strong swimmer. Oh, there was also the swimming incident of 1991, but we will not go into this.
I played softball from the time I was in 2nd Grade until I was a Freshman in High School. I would like to think that I am super great at it, but I am almost positive I have lost my ability. I would love to go to the batting cage and prove my ability isnt "totally" gone!
No more Facebook, Yahoo, Peopleofwalmart.com,failbook.som,Perez, etc, etc. What a waste or valuable time...that I could be spending...say....idk...updating my goals?!
Not talking anything extravagent here, just something from scratch.
Tomorrow is the day. I promise.
Unsure why this one is so difficult. I just drink too much coffee, and forget to eat!
As soon as I get to goal weight, I can attend meetings again for free. This is my goal. I expect to be there by my MAT graduation, May 2011. One year from now.
Day one was a sucess! May 18th off the list! Fab!
I have to admit, I have had three pets in my life. Number one: Butterscotch the Hampster. Number two: a fish I had for like a week. Number three: a kitten that died 2 days after I got her. I have been VERY allergic to cats and dogs all of my life, but it seems like things have simmered down in that department. Eversince Sissy has gotton Jack, I have thought about getting a pet. Unfortunatly, this will have to wait until I have the proper finances to support such a commitment.
75 lbs. I feel so vunerable writing this to the world.
43 lbs. I can do it. again.
Another weight loss goal. I have been there before, but it is time to get going again. Everyone has to begin somewhere, and not is my time to restart my goal of weightloss. 10% is about 22 lbs.
Alright, since I have 999 days left. I think this one might work. Not trying to push it or anything, but I just might have my little duckies in a row to pull this one off.
Started tonight (May 18): 30 Mins on the Eliptical. Balls. That was not that fun, but not unbareable. Honest. Here was my goal for tonight: Tuesday - Walk for 30 minutes at a comfortable pace. Since this is your first workout, take it nice and easy. Walk at a pace that gets your heart rate up and makes you breath heavier than normal, but you should no be out of breath.
Well on my way! A, A,skipped class, waiting for grade, waiting for grade, in progress!
I few years ago, this was SO do-able to me. Not, not so much. Another weight loss goal. It will be mine, oh yes, ...it will be mine.
Yep, never been. Who's in?
I have not been on a plane since 2003 ( that was the first and only time). It is not like I am opposed to it; Just not on my list of my favorite things. Heights scare me. A.LOT.
I do not own a rosery, nor have I ever made beads out of magazines. Now is the time! Will look super cool when I am done. Promise.
I used to love doing this in my back yard with my day, I just have not dont it in a while. It would be super fun to do this. Happy Gilmore style....
No idea why I do not know this information, I just don't.
I love to bowl. love, love, loves!! me some bowling. I have not gone in like...forever? So, 200. Goal. Hop to it. Who wants to go bowling with me? I have my own purple bowling ball, people!
I love to travel, but never take the time to do so. Weekend trips are the best! Totally not shooting for something nuts herel I would be super content with a trip to Lincoln, Des Moines, Iowa City, or KC! Not picky in this catagory by any means.
This one scares the shit outta me....but, I will do it. Gaurenteed. maybe.
Ok, so anyone who knows me, knows that I lived in Reno, NV for 9 months in my 20's. I have never been to Vegas, but it seems like the ultimate place to party. It seems like that place to go, atleast one time in your life. That is why this is on my list.
A must have for anyone on Unemployment. Not fun, but essencial
I have been applying to jobs like it is my job. Oh, wait. It is. I feel hopeful.
Fast Food is easy, quick, and freeking greesy, disgustion, and terrible for you. Have you seen Supersize me? This shit's gotta stop. Now. Today.
I do know how to play "You are my sunshine". How cool would it be to learn how to play "You ought to know" by Alantis?!
PPST I was a big stress, but also a giant reilef when I learned I passed it. PPST II should be the same, unless someone has some tricks up their sleves.
I have like 300 records, some that I have never listened to. I would like to get on that. There is some great music in there.
Again, Old Market; I love you! I used to work at Delice, so I was there every week. I have not been there in a while though.
Putting my drawing skills to work in this one....unsure what in the hell I am going to make a picture book about, but this is the beauty of it.
Love, Love, Love the Old Market! Such great energy. I love fresh produce!
Do not know a lot, except I was born in Nebraska since the nurses in Iowa told my mom to go home since she was having a miscarage. I also had open heart surgery and a giant scar on my back from it. I hope to document the whole ordeal. From Dec. 1979-1983 when I was done with physical therapy.
No comment given.
Super Duper cool website. I will join when I have a classroom. Great place to get books for the students.
Unsure why this one is so hard for me to do. It just is. Back off.
I did not do this with my last car, and it blew up in the middle of 84th and L street, during morning rush hour. Not again with my car, Cherry Bombalicious Katsopalious Lewis.
I have NOT an idea in my brain what this total is. There are notes somewhere, My hope is that they forgot or misplaces said notes. It is my intention to pay each penny back to them, though. My parents are cool as shit.
Again, helping people. I love to shop at thrift stores, but I need to stop buying other people's crap, and start donating my own crap. It is a vicious circle.
Helping people is something that I always love to do, so this one is not something that will be that challanging to me, but I would love to start to document it.
This is something that my friend, Tanya mentioned to me a few weeks ago, and I have been thinking about it ever since. A must do before life catches up with me, and my body is too old to move.
I have been avoiding this one for years. This week marks the 3 year anniversary of my best friend, Erin. I will go this week, and leave something that she would like.I miss her like crazy.

I just finished a 5 page letter to my friend, E. I hand wrote it, and then shreaded it. I will go have the remnents laminated tomorrow, and the get her some flowers for her grave. I will go on Friday. It will be hard, but I think that she misses me too. I have been having a lot of signs lately that she is with me. I have also been in contact with her family and friends.
This one has been on my "to-do" list since I was in 5th grade. By my calculations, this is about 15 years over due. In progress. Fall, 2011, this will be mine, all mine!
How good it feels to be confident. What better way then to take care of myself?!
I have been to one winery in my lifetime, and had a flippin blast ( especially since it was on work time)....I would love to go to another winery, or wone tour with some close friends. Good times are on the way!
To date, I have sold 5 paintings or drawings at local coffee shops. Get going, girl! You art is better then you give yourself credit for.
I need a new tattoo like I need say, a buffett, ...but it is going to happen. So deal with it, world. I will get a new tattoo after I graduate in May 2011
I live less than one mile from several grocery stores. Why not ride my bike there?
Since I am not working now, there are DAYS that go buy, and I do not bother to put a drop of make-up on my face. What a difference taking 5 minutes makes in my daily attitude.
Something that I understand, after spending several years as a receptionist. Conversations are much better with a smile on my face.
I spend 7 years thinking about going back to school because of my feel of public speaking. Afterall, I knew that I would HAVE to do this task that I hate.
Here's the deal. I love Colorado more then a lot of places. I will go there this summer.Promise!
Day one this week (Tuesday, May 18th, 2010). What a great feeling!
I have been doing great at this one! I painted 3 paintings last month! On a roll!
Half way done!!! having my Masters Degree would be the biggest accomplishment of my life. May, 2011!
I have always wanted to learn how to knit! I think I used to know how to do this when I was a kid, but it would be great to make scarves, etc, for me and others. I also really want to incorporate beads, to make jewelry.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a problem with constantly changing my hair. The buck stops here, people! I have never had long hair. I will do it.
Well on my way. I am not going to sleep tonight until I am done. Time it ticking, my friends. Time is ticking away.