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Laura DeMorst
My name's Laura and I have a lot of goals.
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Went with my best friend April 2013 and had a blast!
Gone on several in fact with someone I really like.
Galaxy S III
Got to meet Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey from the L Word! And Camila Grey of Uh Huh Her!
Currently updating this list on my iPad lol
In school finishing my degree as of January 2014. Last semester expected graduation August 2014!!
Starting this tomorrow. 10/16-11/14. I'm trying to run this with the "no fast food for a month" goal. I would say a HUGE chunk of the unnecessary spending I do is on food. Even when the house is full of food to cook I still buy fast food because its just, well faster. lol But I need to try not to do that anymore. I'll definitely save a lot of money.
Starting tomorrow. 10/16-11/14
Starting this after tonight! We still have left overs and I'm trying to run this with the "no buying anything that's not necessary" goal too otherwise I would be starting this today. So 30 days starting tomorrow. 10/16-11/14
Went to see Kendrick Lamar with my niece at the Congress Theater. It was a great show and we were able to get front row. My niece had a blast and I'm happy I was able to take her to see her favorite rapper.
I have an empty gallon bottle that I've converted into a piggy bank. My goal is to fill it all the way up with loose change, no pennies allowed.
I'll probably do this at a toll booth.
Haven't seen my brothers since I was about 12 or so. I think. I've never met their wives or my nieces and nephews. I'd really like to take a trip out there to see this half of my family.
I have one year of college left. I've been on a hiatus for several reasons for the last 3 years. I hope to be back in school by January of 2013. *fingers crossed*