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Ryan Marshall
Member since March 2011
Followers 1   Following 9  
Notes & Photos
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1. American Sniper
2. Total Recall
3. Code
4. Godel, Escher, and Bach
5. 1984
6. The Martian
1. Lallygag - To fool around, waste time, or spend time lazily
2. Glower - to stare angrily or with a scowl.
1. The Wolf of Wall Street - Jordan Belfort (1/21/2014)
2. Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn (1/30/2014)
3. The Cuckoo's Calling - J.K Rowling (2/2/2014)
4. An Abundance of Katherines - John Green (2/7/2014)
1. Lallygag- To fool around, waste time, or spend time lazily
The American Lion.
Annie Hall (best picture 1977) march 2012
Episode 2
Episode 2
1. Water For Elephants (3/26/11)
2. The Hobbit (3/29/11)
3. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (4/13/11)
4. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (6/14/11)
5. Forrest Gump (11/1/11)
6. The Hunger Games (11/24/2011)
7. Catching Fire (12/2011)
8. Mockingjay (12/2011)
9. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (6/20/11)
10. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (11/15/2011)
11. Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief
12. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Currently Reading
Never Let Me Go
A Purpose Driven Life
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
The Lucky One
6-15-11 to 7-15-11
Arthur (4/17/11)
Being John Malkovich (3/26/11)
Field of Dreams (3/29/11)
Going the Distance (4/2/2011)
Hop (4/3/2011)
Jewel of the Nile (3/26/11)
Limitless (4/1/2011)
Mystery Team (3/31/11)
Pretty Woman (4/15/11)
Sucker Punch (3/27/11)
The Wedding Datwe (4/8/11)
Mercedes La'ren Young
bought it 6/2011 but then took it back!
with the love of my life Mercedes. 5/6/11
Eric!!! user/Whitescarver 4/10/11
4/29/2011 Fast Five with Mercedes at Lennox. It WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
11/11/11 11:11:11pm
(4/9/2011) Went to TeeJay's with Chris, Brad, and Eric and left $5.45 tip.
december 2011.....when i was uber poor!
Gone with the Wind
South Carolina with Mercedes. We went to Myrtle Beach. 6/8/2011
Captain America at the South Drive-in!
at the Ohio Theatre with Mercedes. Loooooooooonggg movie!
"Romans 12:2 Be not conformed..."