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Gabriele N.
Member since October 2012
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travel blog!
baby alligator!
to Anykščiai!
2018 march!
su A / Briuselis
i got into master's!
berlin. all in german!
love me do!
died my hair blue (temporarily, though!)
living in berlin for a year
Note added to goal Get a job
started translating subtitles for movies
berlin - november - edita
Copenhagen, here we go!
although it wasn't a full one!

Already have read Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth
83 postcards sent! 18 left!
finally : )

i've done it!
I baked a cake for around 40 people : 333
I found two geocaches today with my best friend! : )
I bought a ticket today to a music festival (July 18 - 20)
I will be moving to my own apartment in the late autumn or early winter
i visited both Tate Modern and National Gallery : )
i had to. i had a flight at 6am, i had to be at the airport at 4am, so i couldn't sleep at all that night. i stayed up until the next day's late evening
starting to learn German!
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2014

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to write in calligraphy
  2. Start meditating
  3. Stop being sad for being single
  4. Take a vacation to london
  5. Find inner peace
  6. Try geocaching
  7. Be more kind
participated in a lindyhop flashmob where a boy asked a girl to marry him// 13 12 20
la traviata/november 2013
done it! wasn't as tough as i thought it would be ; )

A- The Apartment
B- Benny & Joon
C- City Lights
D- Detachment
E- Easy A
F- The Five-Year Engagement
G- Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III
H- The Hunger Games
I- Igby Goes Down
J- Jesus Henry Christ
L- L'Enfant
M- Mona Lisa Smile
O- Orange Country
P- Putin's Kiss
R- Ruby Sparks
S- Skateistan
V- Vera Drake
W- We Need to Talk About Kevin
Y- Your Sister's Sister

still to go: K, N, Q, T, U, X, Z
Čiurlionis / oct 2013
seen hamlet by korsunov / october 2013
f/1.4 50mm! june 2013
volunteered in czech republic in july 2013
august 2013!

august 2013 - trip to taize!
will try this in oct 2013
taking dance lessons successfully since the start of september 2013 : )
registered for lindy classes.. unfortunately, I'm still in the waiting list
asked my Mum to buy me a membership!
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2013

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to speak German
  2. Start exercising
  3. Stop complaining
  4. Take a vacation to London
  5. Find more time
  6. Try yoga
  7. Be more spontaneous
I think I whistled accidentally last week. didn't manage to do that on purpose, of course :d
deciding on what language should I learn. maybe German?
visited art gallery (Magritte museum) in Brussels. now i want to go to London art galleries even more. especially Tate Modern. they have Matisse, Rothko, Kandinsky, Picasso, Pollock, Giacometti, Miro, Magritte... i would die there. they even have Lithuanian's Deimantas Narkevicius works! :O
was in a vegan restaurant for the first time! well, i think i could do this for a month. but it should be in the summer
once again, was in a city where photo booths where available! did not take the chance, though
have already sent 71. only 30 to go! : )
lithuanian - aš tave myliu
english - i love you
spanish - te quiero
russian - ja tebia liubliu
french - je t'aime
i think i have written down around 40 right now
almost! yesterday i woke up at 7am and i went to bed this morning at 8am. but i had an hour of a nap yesterday in the afternoon, so i guess this doesn't count.
there was a possibility to donate blood in my uni, however, I feel very exhausted lately and I didn't dare to do it