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Nikki Decoy
Washington, DC
The girl who loves singing, coffee and WoW a bit too much.
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The Heights.
Tapas in SSp.
Other Pho place in NYC.
Start this on 1/1/13.
Use instagram tie with 6-6 challenge.

(6 words 1 picture 1 year)
Did this in Virginia for Eric's 30th! 9/30/12

(I still wanna do a California wine tour.)
Volunteer application sent to Hart90.
Georgia (October 2012) - Savannah was AWESOME.
Smith's in NY (12/7/12)
Sub Place in GA (10/28/12)
This is an orange binder in my kitchen I have started to compile all my favorite recipes.
I'll consider this done as Pre-MoP.
85 Resto Druid - Cata Cap
85 Resto Shaman - Cata Cap
85 Holy Paladin - Cata Cap
85 Holy Priest - Cata Cap
Bollywood Bistro
Italian Place on MI trip
H Pho in Burke
i am thinking i will volunteer every other saturday for HART90.
001 seeing my friends
002 diet cherry soda
003 mcdonald's vanilla iced coffee
004 unexpected little kisses
005 petnames
006 being told i did a good job on a project
007 fresh out the dryer clothes on a chilly day
008 reading outside in mild, but sunny weather
009 when my dog curls up on me
010 sharing popsicles with my dog