Lists 3     Goals 177     Done 86     Likes 0     Habits 0     Notes 27
Jo Hoff
I know this is a public forum, but for me, goals are a very personal issue that I rarely share. Growing up, my father and brother used to mock and ridicule any goals that I would set for myself - making talking about things I wanted into an ugly, risky thing. So, just posting this list out here is a very hard thing for me. I don't like telling anyone about things I want. I usually just do what I need quietly in order to get them. So, if you must comment, please do so gently.
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Notes & Photos
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Went to Heini's with Jeff. Place was packed on a Saturday. But the fact that it was his idea and it was on my list here just illustrates to me how much the two of us have in common. I loved holding hands and finding him again and again after losing him. Loves that he spent a half hour sorting through the 'ends' bin looking for the cheeses he wanted.
Didn't realize how often I was reaching for it at home or at work during downtime. It fills my quiet times. I haven't decided if that's good or bad. I didn't accomplish a miracle in the time I wasn't on it. Just was more aware of the world around me. Perhaps that's a miracle unto itself.
Didn't realize how often I was reaching for it at home or at work during downtime. It fills my quiet times. I haven't decided if that's good or bad. I didn't accomplish a miracle in the time I wasn't on it. Just was more aware of the world around me. Perhaps that's a miracle unto itself.
KOBRAs excursion with Faith, Molly (formerly Justin), Julia & Rand. Rob was my skinny seat companion. Lois, the tour guide, was a great driver and phenomenally knowledgable.
KK2014 with Nadine, Tazz, Savelle, Angel, XtraSpecial, D, LeeLee, purplegecko. It was a dick-scraping good time.
Travelled around the museum with an Indian man who consulted for the UN and a gay tour guide who's favorite sculpture was a goddess earth suckling statue
at Jim's house with Michaela, Johnny, Fiona, TJ, Miles, Jimmy, Melanie
with TonyZee on 4/9/14. I don't think he liked it much.
A negative. only 6% of the population has it.
Zeus Carmichael, the powerful, stormy Honda car I bought from Michael....LOVE IT!
Loving the new role, new team, new environment.
Last fall. Got my first. Mammogal said "Next time, schedule two appointments" cuz my boobs are just that huge.
MegaMillions hit $600Million...I bought 4. Got one number right. boo
MegaMillions hit $600Million...I bought 4. Got one number right. boo
Whiplash from a car accident led to 3 of these....mmmmm
new-but-used front loaders for $700...rocks!
9/9/11 from sis for my bday. pretty purple toes!
Getting rid of the desk plants worked much, much better!
done 5/27/11
done 5/7
done 5/26
done 5/24
done 5/7
done end of April, 2011
done 5/29
Scanner has been purchased and mostly installed!