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Learn a new language
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On 789 lists and 66 people have done it.
Started french 10-15 mins per day with Duolingo. Meant nothing more serious for this goal.
I am learning Spanish.
This is another one I struggled to check off. While I did take a course in intro Spanish, much of the language has left me. That said, while I was in the course I made reasonable progress with the language. Unfortunately language is one of those things that when it's not in use, it leaves me. Nevertheless I'm glad I took the course, and I look forward to dabbling in other languages.
Learn German before I play overseas
Oct 24, 2014 - Started short course Japanese at uni with Gemma
Groupon Course learndirect Italian/Greek/Polish?!
Rosetta Stone for Latin American Spanish!
Started Swedish on LingQ with Sean - June 2013
Completado el curso de español!
I don´t see this happening any time soon. I can´t plan holidays abroad for a while and I worked in a american oriented firm so... Plus, I don´t have time, nor motivation.
Placeholder until I decide which language to learn.
So I'm going to learn Italian..... a 6 month course should give me a good start
Started and abandoned Spanish class... but I have all the books, so I'll teach myself now that I have all this time! =)
working on it slowly with Jamil, Urdu is not the easiest language to learn