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🎶 Attend a music festival in another country / 🗣️ Learn another language / 🌍 Choose 10 countries and read a book by an author from each / 🌍 Study abroad / Learn a new language / 💕 Learn how to say "I love you" in ten different languages / Watch a foreign film / Learn to say "I love you" in 10 languages / 🛫 Visit a friend in a different country / Choose 10 countries and watch a movie from each of them / Make a friend from another country / 💖 Learn how to say "I love you" in 5 different languages / 🛫 Live in a foreign country for one month / Learn to speak another language / Send a postcard via / Kiss someone from each continent / 🏅 Attend the Summer Olympics / Learn to say 'hello' in 15 other languages / 🛫 Travel outside the country / Choose 5 countries and read a book by an author from each / Learn how to say 'Hello' in 10 different languages / Learn how to say "I love you" in 10 different languages / 🎥 Watch 10 foreign language films / Live in a foreign country / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / Volunteer in a different country / Send 101 postcards via / Attend 10 different ethnic festivals / 💬 Take a language class / Learn to say hello in 10 languages / Go people watching for a day / Have a conversation in your second language with a native speaker / Find a snail mail pen pal / Sign up and participate in / Read a book that was originally written in a different language / Go couchsurfing / ⚽️ Attend the FIFA World Cup / Travel alone in a country where you don't know the language / Teach English in a foreign country / Take the train from London to Paris / Take a Spanish class abroad / Learn how to say "I love you" in 25 different languages / Visit the UK / Study 6 different cultures per year; have a themed weekend for each with food, music, culture and geographical info for the family / Make a new friend from another country / 🎥 Watch 3 foreign films and appreciate them / Visit a friend from another country / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / Send a postcard through / Attend the Olympics / 🎭 Attend a cultural festival / Volunteer in Africa / 🏂 Attend the Winter Olympics / Volunteer abroad for a month / Learn to speak a foreign language fluently / Collect 101 postcards / Send 10 postcards using / Host a foreign exchange student / Send 10 Postcards via PostCrossing / Sign up for Postscrossing and send 5 postcards / 🍝 Visit Italy and order a meal in Italian / Watch 10 movies from 10 different countries / Volunteer overseas / Join the Peace Corps / Smoke a hookah / Visit Spain and practice speaking Spanish / Study 6 different cultures per year; have a themed weekend for each with food, music, culture and geographical info / Create a traditional dish from a different culture / Meet one person from every country I visit and keep in touch / Learn 10 useful phrases in Spanish / Attend the Day of the Dead celebrations MEXICO / Sent out cards to 20 different countries through postcrossing / Host a couchsurfer / Collect 101 postcards from all over the world / Travel to Israel / Live overseas / Volunteer in Africa for at least 3 months / Send 50 postcards through / Participate in a worldwide cultural item exchange at / Volunteer somewhere in Latin America / Have a conversation with native spanish speaker / Attend a unique small-town event / Learn Esperanto / Collect 101 postcards through Postcrossing / Become fluent in another language / Learn to say hello in 20 languages / Participate in Gimmie Your Stuff / Participate in Gimme Your Stuff / Attend a Cherry Blossom party JAPAN / 🍜 Take a cookery course in Vietnam or Thailand / Pet a giant panda in Chengdu CHINA / Attend the Chinese New Year Lantern Festival / Have friends on all continents / Go to an Aboriginal dance festival / Celebrate Chinese New Year / Live like a local for a month in a native town / 🏅 Attend the Commonwealth Games / Haggle at an open market / Do volunteer teaching work in a third world country / 🏞️ Visit Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park CANADA / Volunteer at an orphanage in Ghana / Explore the Mogao Caves - Gansu China CHINA / Volunteer in a third world country / Visit an Aboriginal art community AUSTRALIA / Try speaking in a foreign language for a whole day / Be part of a Chinese Spring Festival CHINA / Volunteer in Cambodia / Kiss a girl from each continent / Teach kids English in China / Attend a pow wow / Sleep in a hostel / Meet the Dalai Lama / 🏛️ Visit the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Quebec CANADA / Volunteer in Peru / Translate a book / Visit Luxor EGYPT / Go salsa dancing in Cuba CUBA / Listen to the news in a different language / Participate in Quebec City's 17-day Carnaval CANADA / Spend the morning in a small-town market TANZANIA / Attend Eurovision / Start a conversation with a stranger and learn something new about them / Visit the artist colony at Darmstadt GERMANY / Hang out with the students at Cambridge ENGLAND / 🌴 Visit Cote d'Ivoire / Attend the 2014 FIFA World Cup BRAZIL / Host a Eurovision party / 🎺 Attend the Cape Town International Jazz Festival SOUTH AFRICA / Find artistic inspiration at Tangiers MOROCCO / Visit Volcanoes National Park RWANDA / Stroll through the Ottoman bazaar outside the Kruja castle for souvenirs ALBANIA / Take a Japanese Class in Kyoto JAPAN / Look at the Statue of Liberty (replica) in Odaiba JAPAN / Participate in the Maastricht Carnival NETHERLANDS / Celebrate indigenous culture at the Dreaming Festival AUSTRALIA / Participate in the Water Splashing Festival CHINA / Watch ten foreign films / Discover the Turkish quarter of Bascarsija in Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit the Norwegian Church in Cardiff WALES / Visit a Hawaiian Farmer's Market HAWAII / Attend a traditional Welsh Eisteddfod WALES / Live abroad for 3 months or longer / Read 10 books by authors from different countries / Walk the Shikoku Pilgrimage JAPAN / Attend the Peter the Great exhibition at the Hermitage Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Learn about traditions and culture by signing up for the Bahamas' People-to-People scheme BAHAMAS / Attend the Olympic Games / Visit Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, Guangdong CHINA / Participate in the Mongol Rally MONGOLIA / Celebrate Holi in India / Attend World of Music, Arts and Dance (WOMAD) in Taranaki NEW ZEALAND / Stay with a Cuban family CUBA / Spend time with Berber people at the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / Attend The Cork Festival, a St. Patrick's Day event IRELAND / Celebrate folk traditions by attending Feile Iorras IRELAND / Witness Polish street theatre at the Art of the Street Festival POLAND / Celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival by participating in Chuseok SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Oxford International Women's Festival ENGLAND / Meet a shaman in Siberia RUSSIA / Experience the country's best musicians and dancers in Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Stroll through the Inuit Museum in Qaqortoq GREENLAND / Tour the Inuit workshops at the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative CANADA / Learn capoeira / Learn tahitian dancing / Learn how to speak another language / Volunteer in a foreign country / Get involved in one of Bhutan's numerous Buddhist festivals BHUTAN / Attend the Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit Chitwan National Park NEPAL / Read Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather / Get lost in a foreign country / Attend the Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival OKLAHOMA / Volunteer with the AfriCat Foundation in Okonjima NAMIBIA / Volunteer in the conservation programmes for Kunene elephants NAMIBIA / Learn how to tie a Lungi from a local at Kerala INDIA / Celebrate International Date Festival at Buraidah SAUDI ARABIA / Participate in the World Bodypainting Festival AUSTRIA / See the parade at the Limon Carnival COSTA RICA / Greet the summer solstice in Arctic Bay, the northernmost point of Baffin Island CANADA / Learn about different indigenous cultures at the Centro Neotropico Sapapiqui COSTA RICA / Relax at a local cafe and take in the culture IRAQ / Attend the Thessaloniki International Film Festival GREECE / Visit a friend in a foreign country / Attend the Cork International Choral Festival IRELAND / Attend the Jongmyo Daeje ancestral rite (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Attend the ‘Jewish Woodstock' at the Jewish Culture Festival POLAND / Attend the Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro COLOMBIA / Participate in the Hellenic Festival in Athens GREECE / Stay on a farm in a coffee plantation COSTA RICA / Explore Pacific Harbour's Arts Village FIJI / Attend Cubadanza, the winter festival of Cuban Dance CUBA / Sing and dance with local artists at the Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik CANADA / Volunteer at Port au Prince HAITI / 🇭🇷 Learn Croatian / Learn 10 phrases in Russian / Attend the Qinghai Folk Song Festival CHINA / Work in a hostel / Volunteer in Belize / Visit the Zafimaniny arts village MADAGASCAR / Stroll through the lively bazaar at the Gorkha hill town NEPAL / Live with an Indian family INDIA / Visit Cholamandalam, an artist village in Chennai INDIA / Shop for souvenirs at the Centre for National Culture GHANA / Participate in the Water Festival CAMBODIA / Participate in a house swap / Visit Sharjah, the “Cultural Capital of the Arab World” UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Morija Arts and Cultural Festival LESOTHO / Have a Shabbat meal with a Jewish family ISRAEL / Participate in the Songkran Festival THAILAND / Go to a traditional camel market / Visit the United Nations Headquarters NEW YORK / Eat dinner with an Italian family in Italy ITALY / Attend the Midsummer Scandinavian Festival OREGON / Visit the Native Heritage Center in Anchorage ALASKA / Visit the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center NEW MEXICO / Choose a country (CO) learn its custom, its art and its history / Go on a wwoof adventure / Learn another language (become bilingual) / Go to a TED conference / Visit Världskulturmuseet (Museum of World Culture) SWEDEN / Go drinking in a traditional Trinidadian rumshop TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Attend the WOMAD Festival at Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Lake of Stars Festival MALAWI / Watch women weave wool at the Bani Hamida workshop JORDAN / Play a game of street cricket with the locals in the countryside GUYANA / Attend Likumbi Lya Mize ZAMBIA / Celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha BRUNEI / Attend the Festwochen Wien (Vienna Festival) AUSTRIA / Experience Botswana's culture in Serowe Village BOTSWANA / Participate in the Chuseok (Harvest Moon) Festival NORTH KOREA / Stay overnight at a local Fale (Samoan home) AMERICAN SAMOA / Attend a foreign film festival / Travel to Beijing / Explore the Mogao Caves in Gansu CHINA / Visit Taize FRANCE / Volunteer on a social project at Granada NICARAGUA / Welcome the Islamic New Year with the locals BAHRAIN / Party at the Ukrainian Festival in Dauphin CANADA / Meet tapestry makers at the Uqqurmiut Centre of Weaving and Printmaking in Pangnirtung CANADA / Attend the Fiesta del Fuego at Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Attend El Festival Internacional de las Artes COSTA RICA / Participate in the Mayan New Year Celebration GUATEMALA / Participate in the Colombian Independence Day celebrations COLOMBIA / Attend Bangkok's International Festival of Dance & Music THAILAND / Share a plate of Ugali and beans with Tanzanians TANZANIA / Celebrate African music at the Kenya Music Festival in Nairobi KENYA / Learn about Maasai culture by doing a homestead tour at the Amboseli National Park KENYA / Watch traditional dancing in Bukoba TANZANIA / Ride in a Dalla-Dalla TANZANIA / Harvest coffee with the locals in foothills of Kilimanjaro TANZANIA / Volunteer at School of St Jude in Arusha TANZANIA / Volunteer at the Cornel Ngaleku Children's Centre in Rombo TANZANIA / Follow an ancestor across the ocean at the German Emigration Centre in Bremehaven GERMANY / Visit the Centro Cultural De Hidalgo in Pachuca MEXICO / Visit some of Japan's indigenous Ainu people at Hakkaido JAPAN / Explore the Takayama museum JAPAN / Discover Pakistani history by spending time in the Lahore Museum PAKISTAN / Go to the World Performing Arts Festival PAKISTAN / Sit at stadium near Wagah Border (India-Pakistan Border) PAKISTAN / Attend the Day of Reconciliation celebrations SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Out in Africa Gay and Lesbian Film Festival SOUTH AFRICA / Arrange for drumming lessons at Dhow Countries Music Academy in Zanzibar TANZANIA / Go souvenir hunting at the Bombolulu Workshops and Cultural Village at Mombasa KENYA / Participate in a Cultural Tourism Programme in Arusha TANZANIA / Harvest seaweed with the locals in the tidal flats of Bwejuu TANZANIA / Attend the international musical folklore festival, the Kraina Mryi UKRAINE / Attend the Molodist International Film Festival UKRAINE / Play street football with Colombian children COLOMBIA / Visit the Mystetskyi Arsenal, a museum of arts and science UKRAINE / Attend the big April Fool's Day street parade UKRAINE / Stay with a local family at San Luis Jiltepeque GUATEMALA / Bargain for Sudanese handicrafts at the town centre of Khartoum SUDAN / Attend the musical harvest festival, Kambala SUDAN / Watch the typical Dutch performing arts at the Holland Festival NETHERLANDS / Participate in the Romerias de Mayo Cultural Extravaganza CUBA / Watch masters of 18 different crafts demonstrate their work at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum LATVIA / Go to the Tiwi Islands' annual 'footy' day AUSTRALIA / Attend the Kunsten Festival des Arts BELGIUM / Participate in the Teuila Festival SAMOA / See the unique art project called ‘Stone and People' around Qaqortoq town GREENLAND / Participate in the Festival of the Sea PORTUGAL / Visit a country where I don't speak the language / Go to the Shaolin International Martial Arts Festival in Zhengzhou CHINA / Participate in the Weifang International Kite Festival CHINA / Bargain for souvenirs at the Anjuna flea market in Goa INDIA / Participate in the festival of dance in Madhya Pradesh INDIA / 🌊 Visit Banjul THE GAMBIA / Do volunteer work in Africa / Share a plate of Lyulya kebab and Kutab with an Azerbaijan family AZERBAIJAN / Visit Gaza / Share a plate of Forofa and Mufete de Cacuso with a local ANGOLA / Listen to traditional music and witness local dance at the Alahamady Be festival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Hiragasy Carnival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Donia sports, music and cultural festival in the Hell-Ville Stadium MADAGASCAR / Attend the Bouake carnival CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Participate in the Beiteddine Arts Festival LEBANON / Attend the Al Bustan International Festival of Music and the Arts LEBANON / Drink a cup of Qishr at a local cafe YEMEN / Share a plate of Matapa and Wusa with a local MOZAMBIQUE / Participate in the Kite Festival at Kota Bharu MALAYSIA /