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Stop drinking soda for a month
Start Date: 06/01/2020
End Date: 06/30/2020
End Date: 06/30/2020
I made a vow to don't drink soda or eat candies for a year, it was a promisse to get into UFMG.
InĂcio dia 01/04/2018
Start again march 1/17
Start again Jan 20/17
Fell off wagon Jan 16/17
January 2017 is the month for no soda
Had a couple of false starts already... this is much harder than I thought it would be. Planning to give up soda for good.
Started on 16/08!
Starting this March 2015.
January 2014
Started August 25th 2013
WEEK 3- Complete!
WEEK 2- Complete
WEEK 1- Complete
2013/01/14 Stopped drinking soda
Started this one today as well to go along with the no fast food rule. No soda until August 7th, 2012!
I've gone 4 days already, but I'm just going to say I'll keep this up for all of April.
Begin: April 26
End: May 26
First attempt failed :(
Begin: May 9
End: June 9
End: May 26
First attempt failed :(
Begin: May 9
End: June 9
Started 28 august
Finished 27 sept
Finished 27 sept
Many temptations, but I haven't given in yet!
Mindfulness Fitness Wellness Self-Improvement Health Self-Discipline Self-Care Balance Discipline Nutrition Determination Healthy Lifestyle Lifestyle Mindful Eating Clean Eating Hydration Willpower Fitness Journey Detox Habits Sugar-Free Moderation
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