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Learn how to make creme brulee
Creme brulee, a classic French dessert, is made by combining rich custard and caramelized sugar for a delightful contrast in flavors and textures.
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Made as I had egg yokes left from the chocolate tea cakes that I made which only used the egg white for the marshmallow filling. Success all round :)
Ok, from the BBC website: Creme Brulee

Ingredients: 500ml/18fl oz double cream, 1 vanilla pod, 100g/4oz caster sugar (plus extra for the topping), 6 free-range egg yolks.

Preheat the oven to 150C/300F/Gas 2. Pour the cream into a saucepan. Split the vanilla pod lengthways and scrape the seeds into the cream. Chop the empty pod into small pieces, and add them to the cream. Bring the cream to boiling point, then reduce the heat and simmer gently for five minutes. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, beat the sugar and egg yolks together in a large heatproof bowl until pale and fluffy. Bring the cream back to boiling point. Pour it over the egg mixture, whisking continuously until thickened - this indicates that the eggs have begun to cook slightly. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve into a large jug, and then use this to fill six ramekins to about two-thirds full. Place the ramekins into a large roasting tray and pour in enough hot water to come halfway up their outsides. (This is called a bain-marie.) Place the bain-marie onto the centre shelf of the oven and bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the custards are just set but still a bit wobbly in the middle. Remove the ramekins from the water and set aside to cool to room temperature. Chill until needed. When ready to serve, sprinkle one level teaspoon of caster sugar evenly over the surface of each creme brulee, then caramelise with a chefs' blow-torch. Set aside to cool for a couple of minutes, then serve.

Tasted really good, although I say so myself! :)
Crème brûlée
Crème brûlée or crème brulée, also known as burnt cream or Trinity cream, and virtually identical to the original crema catalana, is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a layer of hardened caramelized sugar. It is normally served slightly chilled; the heat from the caramelizing process tends to warm the top of the custard, while leaving the center cool.
The custard base is traditionally flavored with vanilla in French cuisine, but can have other flavorings. It is sometimes garnished with fruit.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Crème brûlée and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).