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Culinary Arts
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👩🍳 Take a cooking class / 🍝 Make fresh pasta / 👩🍳 Make at least 10 recipes that I've pinned on Pinterest / 🎂 Take a cake decorating class / Cook my way through a cookbook / 🍝 Make homemade pasta / Cook an entire meal by myself / Take cooking lessons / 🍣 Make my own sushi / Make my own pasta / Take a cake decorating course / Learn how to make an omelet / Create a recipe book / Learn how to make creme brulee / 👨🍳 Toss pizza dough in the air / Make a souffle / 🥞 Learn to make crepes / Learn to crack an egg with one hand / Take a cooking and baking class / Make pesto from scratch / Bake a souffle / Try a new recipe / Learn how to make a really good omelete / Take a baking class / Make French macaroons / Host a cupcake party / Cook a fancy dinner party for my friends / Take cooking class for a different type of cuisine / 🍝 Make ravioli from scratch / Make a three course meal for my family / Take a sushi making class / Cook a Julia Child recipe / Eat with chopsticks / Learn to make pasta / Learn how to cook a new dish every month / Learn to make homemade pasta / Take an ethnic cooking class / Learn how to make a national dish / Read a food memoir / Bake fortune cookies / Bake macaroons / Learn how to make homemade pasta / Take a Thai cooking class / Take a knife skills class / Learn how to cook the perfect lasagna / Take a class in cake decorating / Learn to make macaroons / Take a cooking class in France / Learn Italian cooking in Rome ITALY / Make homemade pasta noodles / 🍜 Take a cookery course in Vietnam or Thailand / Learn to make homemade pasta sauce / Create my own recipe / 🥘 Learn how to make paella / Bake macarons / Visit Julia Child's kitchen in the Smithsonian / Try making a souffle / 🍔 Attend the summer BBC Good Food Festival in Birmingham ENGLAND / Learn to cook gourmet meals from scratch / Learn how to cook a new dish every month for a year / Learn how to make pizza from a Neapolitan Chef ITALY / Learn how to make macarons / Make fresh pasta from scratch / Make homemade ravioli / Make beef jerky / 🍖 Make beef wellington / Make mozzarella cheese / Take a couples cooking class / Learn to make pasta from scratch / Take a cooking class for a different type of cuisine / Make homemade tortillas / Take a pastry class / Cook beef wellington / Try 10 new cake recipes / Make homemade croquetas / Take a 1 day cooking class in Rue Tatin FRANCE / Make homemade mozzarella / Take a Thai cooking class at one of the many cookery schools in Bangkok THAILAND / Learn how to make an omelette / Learn to cook a new dish every month / Grow basil / 🍝 Learn to make fresh pasta / Take a cooking class in Italy / Take a Cooking Class in Florence ITALY / Make a dessert from scratch / Work at a bakery / Make a five course meal / Learn to fillet a fish / Learn how to make a souffle / Learn knife skills / Enroll in a cooking course in Cork IRELAND / Attend the Abergavenny Food Festival WALES / Eat a meal cooked by a celebrity chef / Visit the Museum of Bread Culture GERMANY / Make and maintain sourdough starter / Learn to make homemade jam / Learn how to cook fish / Bake a wedding cake / Take an Italian cooking class / Take an Indian cooking class / Learn to make brownies / Deep fry a pickle / Take a foreign cuisine cooking class / Hit someone with a baguette / 🍴 Attend the Taste of Grampian Food Festival SCOTLAND / Learn how to make tiramisu / Learn a new cooking technique / Attend the Food and Wine Classic in Aspen COLORADO / Take a cooking class in Thailand / Visit the Culinary Archives & Museum RHODE ISLAND / Learn how to cook tiramisu / 🧇 Make Liège waffles / Host a gingerbread house-building competition / 🥟 Attend a traditional Cornish pasty-making class ENGLAND / Learn to crack an egg one handed / 🍴 Attend the World Gourmet Summit SINGAPORE / Attend the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival AUSTRALIA / Flip over a fried egg without the yolk breaking / Deep-fry something / Cooking class in Tuscany / Learn to make pasta in Italy ITALY / Take a French cooking class / Break down a chicken / Make my own cookie cutters and use them / Visit the Museum Of Burnt Food MASSACHUSETTS / Learn how to cook! / Learn a new French knife skill / Take a cooking course at Cordon Bleu FRANCE / Turn cream into butter / Attend the World Food Moscow Exhibition RUSSIA / Attend the South Beach Wine and Food Festival FLORIDA / Attend the Madrid Fusion International Gastronomy Summit SPAIN / Attend the Seoul Food and Hospitality Expo SOUTH KOREA / 🥣 Learn to make a proper Chilean pebre CHILE / Shoot a portrait of a chef in their kitchen / Take a cooking class to learn how to make Chilean dishes CHILE / Learn to make sushi in Japan JAPAN / Learn how to decorate sugar cookies / Attend the Tobago Culinary Festival TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Cook well / Learn how to chop vegetables very fast / Make goat cheese from scratch /