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Finish a NaNoWriMo
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On 118 lists and 24 people have done it.
I revised the first 20 pages.
I did it. I finished my first draft. I'm hoping to finish my first revision by the end of December. I'm keeping a list of notes for new ideas to add and revision notes. Diane will read it after the holidays.
27,987 words. So I wrote 3000 more words this week. In writing the top ten and bottom ten of teaching, I can expand into 10 more stories, minimum. I should be able to write more this week. No kids, as far as I know.
24,643 words. 92 pages. So I wrote 2000 more words. I only wrote Monday through Wednesday because of Thanksgiving and Christmas decorating and laziness. I start again tomorrow.
22,625. Not a whole lot further, but I had the girls this week. I do not have them this week and I should be able to write Monday through Thursday. Have to get up early!
11/4 wrote for 1 1/2 hours

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National Novel Writing Month
National Novel Writing Month (also known as NaNoWriMo) is an annual creative writing project coordinated by the non-profit organization The Office of Letters and Light. Spanning the month of November, the project challenges participants to write 50,000 words of a new novel in one month. The project has been running since July 1999 by Chris Baty and started out with only 21 participants.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on National Novel Writing Month and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).