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Learn Morse code
Did you know that Morse code is named after its inventor, Samuel Morse, who co-developed the telegraph?
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10-15 minutes a day
Tuesday - I did a, b and c on the listening test. Sheesh!! It's not easy.
Sunday - I did my practice today. Tomorrow I am going to start listening to Morse code.
Saturday - I practiced recognition again today. I am getting faster. I stumble over D and V. Otherwise I seem to know them well. Tomorrow (or tonight) I am going to try the dit/dah practice.
Friday - I did more practice recognising which letters the symbols are. Tomorrow I begin the dit dahs.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - I have still be learning to recognise the letters when I see them, and to do the online quiz as well.
Monday - I am practicing recognising which letter each code responds to - by cards, and by doing an online quiz.
Sunday - I've rote-learned the whole alphabet. Now I am going to spend a few days being able to identify the alphabet from the codes. I've made cards with the codes on them, and I am going to do an online test as well. I'm hoping to become quite quick i.e. I can identify each one easily.
This is my plan:

1) spend a few days testing myself so I can recognise which letters the codes represent

2) practice saying the dits and dahs, out loud, for each letter

3) listen to slow morse code audio
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliet .---

Kilo -.-

Lima .-..

Mike --

November -.

Oscar ---

Papa .--.

Quebec --.-

Romeo .-.

Sierra ...

Tango -

Uniform ..-

Victor ...-

Whiskey .--

Xray -..-

Yankee -.--

Zulu --..
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliet .---

Kilo -.-

Lima .-..

Mike --

November -.

Oscar ---

Papa .--.

Quebec --.-

Romeo .-.

Sierra ...

Tango -

Uniform ..-

Victor ...-
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliet .---

Kilo -.-

Lima .-..

Mike --

November -.

Oscar ---

Papa .--.

Quebec --.-

Romeo -.-

Sierra ...

Tango -
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliet .---

Kilo -.-

Lima .-..

Mike --

November -.

Oscar ---

Papa .--.

Quebec --.-

Romeo .-.
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliet .---

Kilo -.-

Lima .-..

Mike --

November -.
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliett .---

Kilo -.-

Lima .-..
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....

India ..

Juliet .---
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.

Golf --.

Hotel ....
Alpha .-

Bravo -...

Charlie -.-.

Delta -..

Echo .

Foxtrot ..-.
Alpha .-

Brave -...

Charlie .-.-

Delta -..
A Alpha .-

B Bravo -...
Phew, +1 on survival skills!



4/2/2012: Alphabet learnt.