Your goals in one place, not all over the place
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Develop an alternative source of income

Etsy store

Getting paid for modeling.

- Founded Pustura Apparel on May 1, 2014
- Joined Royale Business Club International on Sept. 29, 2014
- Joined Royale Business Club International on Sept. 29, 2014

I have started Pearl Cicada Event Planning on Feb. 12, 2014. You can view my work on Twitter and Facebook. I also have a Pinterest account.

I am working on the strategy and plan to launch a home staging company!
Photography Creativity Time Management Innovation Writing Networking Financial Planning Risk-Taking Interior Design Persistence Entrepreneurship Handmade Crafts Skill Development Investment Branding Marketing Public Speaking Adaptability Investing Graphic Design Blogging Coaching Customer Service Event Planning Fashion Design Personal Branding
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