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Listen to a podcast

Listened to two podcasts this week:
1. The Fat Guy Forum Episode 166 - Juan Got Honest!
2. The Viall Files: Going Deeper - Shayne's First Tell All!
1. The Fat Guy Forum Episode 166 - Juan Got Honest!
2. The Viall Files: Going Deeper - Shayne's First Tell All!

I now regularly listen to podcasts, and it is a really great thing

I’ve listened to multiple pod casts this year (2020) on my drive to/from work. Here is my list of favorites: TedTalks, Noble Blood, Spectacular Failures, Millennial Money, Carrier, What If World, Passenger List, MoBituaries, The Edge of Sleep.

This goal was never high up on my list of priorities, but I figured I should listen to a podcast at least once, just so I could say I'd done it. These days I don't have much patience for sitting down and passively observing, and feel the need to be doing at least something else to keep mys (...more)
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