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Climb a 14er

I climbed Mt. Bierdstadt in May 2010 with Brian and some of his corps friends, Gavin, Katie T and Joss. Gavin, being from Jamaica, thought that taking a nap on the side of the 14er with his iPad would be just as nice as climbing the mountain, so he did. Joss and Katie decided to go down af (...more)
In mountaineering terminology in the United States, a fourteener is a mountain that exceeds 14,000 feet (4,267.2 m) above mean sea level. The importance of fourteeners is greatest in Colorado, which has the majority of such peaks in North America. Climbing all of Colorado's fourteeners is a popular pastime among peak baggers. Many people also try to climb all of the fourteeners in the contiguous United States.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Fourteener and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).
Nature Hiking Fitness Challenge Trekking Wilderness Exercise Endurance Mountaineering Summit Perseverance Trailblazing Mountain Climbing Trail Rocky Mountains Mountain Alpine High Altitude Colorado Altitude Peak
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