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Make new friends

I want new friends

I made a new group of friends shortly after starting the project, through a book club. It's been great having this new group of all women with great conversation and seeing them pretty regularly. I would like to make more new friends, though I'm not sure how to go about it and haven't had (...more)

At least 8

Matt Rose

Accomplished May 11th 2010
Met Alexandra Morgan, Mikayla Bolzonell, Will Guthro and Danny MacFarlane. Met during supper at Courtney Harris's
Met Alexandra Morgan, Mikayla Bolzonell, Will Guthro and Danny MacFarlane. Met during supper at Courtney Harris's

I am very demanding when it comes to describing what a friend really is. So although I've met some new people online that I talk to sort of regularly I won't check this. It needs to be someone who really earns the friend title. Predicted progess update: 2012.
Community Friendship Socializing Networking Bonding Relationships Community Building Conversation Group Activities Meeting New People Companionship Interpersonal Skills Social Events
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