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Give up alcohol for a month
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On 401 lists and 231 people have done it.
August 2020 - alcohol free!
I am not excited about this one so pushing it off to Jan 2023! Also, I will be older than so probably will need it more than I do now.

08/01/2018 - ✔

08/02 - ✔

08/03 - ✔

I had my last drink on the night of July 22, 2018, without knowing of this website, so for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to use August 1, 2018, as my official start date.
Start 1/11/16 finish 1/12 /16

Completed January 2016
For someone who doesn't drink THAT much. This one was really hard, weddings, summer times, nights out...there was always a REASON to drink...I just had to put it aside. Tonight my store opens and after the week I had, I REALLY need one....but we'll see.

August 13th - September 13th.

I'm off work for August and I go back to school on the 8th.

It'll be healthy to ensure I don't spend any of my mental/physical/emotional health vacation getting drunk (as all it takes these days to get me drunk is 2.5 drinks).

It'll be a touch difficult to go the first week of school without going for a pint after class with friends, but I'm sure I can manage it.
Did more than a month, this year for lent Marcus and I gave up alcohol and chocolate for 43 days!!!
4/9 - As of tomorrow I will have completed my month without alcohol. This last weekend one of my friends asked me if I felt better / healthier. I replied, "In all honesty, I just felt like I couldn't have a beer if I wanted a beer." Same goes for a glass of wine. It was a great task to undertake, harder than I had thought considering the social drinking state I live in... but I'm glad I did!

And of course, always the overachiever, I picked a 31 day month. :P
4/3 - SEVEN DAYS LEFT and I can drink alcohol again!
Started 3/10/13 - will go through 4/9/13. Already a week and a half in!!
Began: 1/1/13

End Date: 2/1/13

Crossed off 1 day early because I know I am not going to drink anything tonight and probably not 'til the super bowl!
Started Oct 29/12
Attempt 1 - (Started 20/08/12) Failed: Work Wine tasting
Started 22nd February 2012
Started 15.08.10 ok I was only able to do this for a month. Will have to try another time as I'm loving red wine at the moment!