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Grüner See (Styria)
Grüner See (Green Lake) is a lake in Styria, Austria near the town of Tragöß. The lake is surrounded by the Hochschwab mountains and forests. The name “Green Lake” originated because of its emerald green water. The clean and clear water comes from the snowmelt from the karst mountains and has a temperature of 6-8°C (42.8-46.4°F). During the winter, the lake is only 1–2 m deep and the surrounding area is used as a county park.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Grüner See (Styria) and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).
Travel Nature Wildlife Relaxation Outdoor Activities Hiking Photography Conservation Adventure Travel Ecotourism Nature Exploration Water Sports Scuba Diving Serenity Beauty Lakes Scenic Outdoor Swimming Diving Austria Underwater Photography Lake
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