Lists 3     Goals 6     Done 3     Likes 0     Habits 0     Notes 28
Member since May 2011
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Notes & Photos
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Goal: 120-125lbs


A -
B - Bridesmaids
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Amounts assigned - 91/101
Money saved for 0/101 goals
Total amount saved so far: £0
08/11/11 - Rimmel 391 (Celebrity Bash)
15/11/11 - Rimmel 307 (Grape Sorbet)
22/11/11 - Rimmel 312 (Ultra Violet)
1. Costa Rica
2. The Galapagos Islands
3. The Maldives
4. Kenya
5. Rome
155lbs - New game
150lbs - New book
145lbs - Decorations for my room
140lbs - Evening shoes
135lbs - Going out accessories
130lbs - New jeans & Dress
125lbs - £40 budget - aiming for one day look, one evening look
8/~50 chapters
15/7/11 - Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, Part 2
Scheduled for Novemeber 2011
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2012

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to ice skate
  2. Start saving money
  3. Stop stressing
  4. Take a vacation to anywhere!
  5. Find a masters course
  6. Try outfit planning
  7. Be more organised

1 - WW weekday 'chicken & chips' - Okay but bland
2 - Coconut chicken salad - Great flavours, chicken slightly chewy