I'm a single parent and music producer who likes electro-industrial music and gothic fashion/lifestyle. Thanks for visiting me!

Notes & Photos
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Note added to goal Write a list of things that each person in my life has taught me
I don't want to anymore.
Whatever I wrote previously needed to come out and has since evaporated into the ether, I guess.
Whatever I wrote previously needed to come out and has since evaporated into the ether, I guess.
We went to MN to see Snake Discovery and visit family.
Let's add 5 so now I have 9/20. I still have time to finish.
I'm just not even going to do this if there isn't significant advancement, because there's nothing to celebrate otherwise. I wish I had done more when I first made this list because too many life crises ate up my time and energy over the past year and a half. My one goal should be to make more time for myself and practice better self care, instead of trying to rush my goals on top of the leftover damage control.
It can be a goal for a future time. It takes a lot of commitment and I'm stretched way too thin.
I'm sure I've done more of these. I made a chocolate cake from scratch, chocolate chip banana bread... I'll have to check my recipe book, but that's a total of 3 for now.
I have the list but I'm pretty sure this is flat out not happening since I hate sitting through movies... why did I agree to this?!
Chicago-Italian Chicken Vesuvio (still not "different" to me but I'm low on time lol) https://youtu.be/ukUAtDJ-JVY?si=Lz8V60UrXgvFDlHv
Does it count if it's "different" from the previous cultures even if it's familiar to me? Mexican ground beef tacos https://youtu.be/MSnBlgciEsU?si=GcmOlHxS2jTPoaJQ
I went to a local museum.
I think I should restart this because it got lost. Maybe I'll write them down.
I legitimately don't know where I'm at so let's go with 4/20 after this year's successful FAWM.
Umm I accidentally did this when I saw a great pair of studio headphones at Goodwill for $5. They make me want to get real monitors now...I didn't know sound could sound this good...
I literally just wanted to do this for money and now that Silicon Valley exploded, and I remembered I hate web design, I'm not sure what to do with this goal. Maybe learn Python as a hobby? I actually liked that.
Restart: as of 3/23, 2 down 2 to go
I think we're not gonna be a Dairy Queen family. We sat down and had ice cream at Kimmer's several times as a family this past summer. We've been to DQ once, ever. I think we've become a Kimmer's family. Gonna mark this done since the underlying goal was achieved.
Current goal: Submit resumes in October, but work on projects now, in order to build up a small portfolio.
I apparently did this without paying attention.
I think this goal was meant for lolita, like tea parties or something? I think someone was selling tea parties in many colors for fairly cheap? But if I'll be walking a lot, I might want to invest in good walking shoes that are loliable instead...since that was the point of buying flats.
Two more chances, Nov 2022 and Nov 2023
I don't know if I've finished anything since creating this goal. I beat Ocarina of Time but I also bought it with the intention of doing that...it wasn't one of the games that's been sitting with me for 20 years... Currently working through Majora's Mask.
I have two chances left: Feb 2023, Feb 2024
Note added to goal Write a list of 101 things I’ve already achieved in this lifetime
I don't like it. It's dumb. I think I was supposed to do this on my first list.
1. The Legend of Hei (China)
Irish Cottage Pie https://www.askchefdennis.com/irish-cottage-pie/
3. The Brave Little Toaster
Start 8/23, end 9/22
Visit wilton when ready. you can take a virtual class with 3 other people.
Alternative: host an ice cream party in the summer. (no threat of nuts)
I marked it as done because it's open for business and I am receiving business. I have 2 products.
I have decided that I would like a physical book, printed if possible.
I made a peach cobbler. It was as underwhelming as the first time I tried it. I guess I just don't like peach cobbler.
Criteria for completion: 8 products
Criteria for completion: About Me page, logo or profile pic, 4 posts with 2 more drafts
Deactivated it so yeah, that's done lol.
I recall that I spent a week cranking out that remix and it was fun to be able to do music every morning, even just for 15 mins.
Russian Beef Stroganoff
2. Hocus Pocus
Note added to goal Make a list of 101 things that I don't ever want to do again
I don't want to waste time thinking about regrets.
Note added to goal Make a list of 101 things that I don't ever want to do again
I don't like doing this. I thought it would be inspiring/boundary-setting, but it's actually just gross and negative. Most things I never want to do again are also things I want to erase from memory. I know them when they come up but I don't like putting them into words, which makes them more real. If this continues to not be helpful, I'll give it up and mark as failed.
1. Aladdin
In progress: Evangelion, Bubblegum Crisis
Goal: 120~125 lbs.
A. Aladdin
I picked the vaguest one for the community aspect, but the specific goal is to finish Rachael Attard's 8-week course.
Met 2 new people, but one of them has creepy racist vibes. I didn't specify that they had to be lasting relationships, so...that's 2 down either way.
Back to the drawing board.
Upgraded hard drive, may need to upgrade ram, but since I'm not planning that at the time being and it's better now, I'm going to say this is done.
Pretty sure the group closed, even if it didn't I didn't rejoin it on my new account.
Failed 2021. Try again next year.
There are a handful from fawm 2021. I didn't count them yet.
They're on OneDrive. I bought a subscription.
Going to utilize the last of the holiday sales to buy an SSD and more RAM.
I've backed up FL project files, LMMS project files, and Reaper project files, but the last one is moot if I don't also back up the wavs. I still have to organize all those and then I'll be able to do that. I uploaded them to Drive. Most of the wavs come from the other two project files anyway, but if I lose the vocals I lose them forever.
Note added to goal Record vocals for Lucifer, Wake me up, Ghost, Kurokami, Walk into
I recorded part of Kurokami. I think I'm supposed to finalize everything before marking this complete, so I only have to do that with Kurokami and Wake Me Up.
Note added to goal Release Oathmaker, and the rest of God/dess as singles or modified ep
We're just going to release Oathmaker and Lucifer as an A-side B-side type of single thingy. There's probably a name for that.
I was supposed to finish it by the end of summer, but I lost it before then lololol
I think I just need to contact life insurance. Everyone else has either been contacted/notified, or was unable to be reached due to limited availability. Now that people are starting to head back to work, I might want to try again.
Facebooks' algorithm sucks, and because I don't update daily, nobody sees what I post even if they're following me. I have changed the artwork on it, and have been meaning to change the name, but not sure what kind of content I should share on it now. I've not seen much pressing news.
Note added to goal Release Oathmaker, and the rest of God/dess as singles or modified ep
I have a more or less set track list. MUST send to engineer asap since his work rush is coming up.
Note added to goal Record vocals for Lucifer, Wake me up, Ghost, Kurokami, Walk into
Still working on Lucifer, Wake me up on hiatus, started recomposing Kurokami, Walk was sent to engineer. So, currently working on 2 songs.
I didn't buy Emily's course before it expired, but there's a question mark after it? So can I delete it? I bought Rachael's meal plan.
Note added to goal Create a portfolio and Successfully complete 1 freelance gig
I did a logo for a friend and swore to myself I would never design for others again, so...
I have mixed faith in Paradiso after seeing their virtual panels this year. Will check them out next year.
I looked into this and I was like, I don't know wtf I'm doing, why don't I stick to what I know and like already? I like the makeup, but the fashion and culture aren't me.
I'm starting this today because I think I'm actually allergic to dairy.
1/100 curried lentils
Joined sync academy. Not sure about seanwes in the foreseeable future.
I think I've decided I don't want one after creating it.
Note added to goal Record vocals for Lucifer, Wake me up, Ghost, Kurokami, Walk into
I released the single for Ghost. I'm still working on the other songs.
The goal isn't done until those are completed. Win Rachel's contest.
I need to be able to see my logo. Last time I came on the computer to find it and got sidetracked, so I should just print out my own logo for myself to view anytime.
Note added to goal Record vocals for Lucifer, Wake me up, Ghost, Kurokami, Walk into
Most of Walk is done, there are certain sections that need to be sung. Lucifer might be done--I redid it and am redoing all the others. I think I want to record Lucifer one more time. Have not yet started a new Kurokami though.
Note added to goal Make a list of illustration collections I want to do and start them
made a list in evernote--now need to make a time/schedule
Start with wikipedia translations and then move onto more informational posts, or translation/research posts. Create 10 such posts and after that, move into editorials. Also, create matching social media accounts.
Create 10 posts and matching social media accounts
Create 10 posts and matching social media accounts
Note added to goal Create a portfolio and Successfully complete 1 freelance gig
music/sound, illustration, photoshop, copywriting
Note added to goal Make a list of illustration collections I want to do and start them
gender art (add this to the list)
1. Wake me up (mix myself, it's not important enough to send/wait for Phil)
2. Ghost (send to Phil)
2. Ghost (send to Phil)
I have found the first season and will watch with Vivi...
I made the page, but need a different header and haven't shared anything yet.
How to design business cards
hand lettering 101
how to sing very well
Learn sidechain compression for EDM
EDM mastering for maximum loudness
Protect your creative works with US copyright
the art of vocal production
what does it mean to identify as transgender...
creating sounds for electronic music
the technology of music production
introduction to music production
How to design business cards
hand lettering 101
how to sing very well
Learn sidechain compression for EDM
EDM mastering for maximum loudness
Protect your creative works with US copyright
the art of vocal production
what does it mean to identify as transgender...
creating sounds for electronic music
the technology of music production
introduction to music production
Someone told me to just upload it to google drive...I don't know.
Note added to goal Release Oathmaker, and the rest of God/dess as singles or modified ep
Added two more songs to record vocals goal. Can release oathmaker as an EP of four of the most worked on tracks from God/dess. Think about adding some instrumental tracks, but be aware of the extra time it will take Phil to master.
still going on april 20--7 days
Note added to goal Make a list of illustration collections I want to do and start them
rude lolitas
yami kawaii but don't call it that
yami kawaii but don't call it that
How to design business cards
design the life you love
hand lettering 101
simple methods for custom lettering
how to sing very well
Learn sidechain compression for EDM
EDM mastering for maximum loudness
Protect your creative works with US copyright
the art of vocal production
what does it mean to identify as transgender...
creating sounds for electronic music
the technology of music production
introduction to music production
How to design business cards
design the life you love
hand lettering 101
simple methods for custom lettering
how to sing very well
Learn sidechain compression for EDM
EDM mastering for maximum loudness
Protect your creative works with US copyright
the art of vocal production
what does it mean to identify as transgender...
creating sounds for electronic music
the technology of music production
introduction to music production
Note added to goal Record vocals for Lucifer, Wake me up, Ghost, Kurokami, Walk into
I may have finished Wake Me Up and Ghost, but I haven't listened back to the tracks yet. If they're enough, those are done. I have a feeling I'll have to redo Ghost though, so we'll say I have two left to go.
Looked at upgrade options...I don't really know what to do, but maybe an SSD to help stuff boot up faster?
Streak start on tues, april 14
Mostly for blogging and writing, but it would be great to have the power to make music production portable. Ideally would like both the laptop and the upgrade.
Want to exercise and get fit before doing this, but anytime is fine...need a photographer, though.
Look into buying an external hard drive--I don't want to have to upload all of this to a cloud.
Note added to goal Release Oathmaker, and the rest of God/dess as singles or modified ep
Need album art, and to decide whether to release at a standalone single or coupled with another song.
Note added to goal Record vocals for Lucifer, Wake me up, Ghost, Kurokami, Walk into
The day I tried recording the last two, I had allergic asthma and couldn't breathe properly for singing. Last weekend I recorded 55 takes for Lucifer, and then realized it was easier to sing if I transposed the whole song XDDDDDD
x1 Classic VK version
x2 Electro/Industrial version
x2 Electro/Industrial version
Not worth it.