Roxana Sorooshian
Orange County, CA
slayer of dragons.
Goals completed!
Done (Not on a List)
Take a tour of Alcatraz Island CALIFORNIA
Visit the Art Institute of Chicago ILLINOIS
Take the train to Chicago ILLINOIS
Visit Joshua Tree National Park CALIFORNIA
See a Shakespeare play at the Globe UNITED KINGDOM
Visit New York City NEW YORK
Go to Disneyland CALIFORNIA
Visit Millennium Park ILLINOIS
See the Hollywood sign LOS ANGELES
Visit Westminster Abbey UNITED KINGDOM
Go up the Eiffel Tower PARIS
Visit Hyde Park ENGLAND
See a Broadway Show NEW YORK
Visit Monterey Bay Aquarium CALIFORNIA
See the Statue of Liberty NEW YORK
Visit the Ground Zero memorial NEW YORK
Buy a dress in Paris FRANCE
Visit Big Ben ENGLAND
101 Things in 1001 Days
52 Things in 52 Weeks :: 2015
2015 Reading Challenges