Newlywed. Retail wench. Argyle lover. Doctor Who fanatic. Nerd and proud of it.

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29 Oct, 13
Added the following to list Done:
See Paris from the Eiffel Tower FRANCE
, Visit Carcassonne FRANCE
, Visit the Abbaye du Mont Saint-Michel where Archangel Michael is said to have appeared FRANCE
, Visit the Palace of Versailles FRANCE
18 Feb, 13
Added the following to list Done:
Visit Cedar Point OHIO
...and 6 other goals.
18 Feb, 13
Added the following to list 101 Things in 1001 Days:
Visit the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium OHIO
...and 7 other goals.
Sep 30, 2010 - Jun 27, 2013
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!