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Benchpress my body weight
So when I last set the goal I never decided what the amount was. I think I will set it an even 200 pounds. My goal weight of 150 pounds seems like it's not stretching enough but as I am no gym rat 200 sounds like plenty. Especially since I would have to JOIN a gym to do this. (I don't own any weights currently.)
I am currently bench-pressing 100 pounds. I think my "goal" benchpress will be 170 pounds.
I weigh 180 pounds and I can press 185 pounds. Only once though haha.
Trick is: I'm going to have to decide what "number" to use. Right now, I weigh 238 but I'm also working on losing weight with my eventual goal being between 150-170 pounds. So am I trying to lift 238? 170? 150? Something in between? Ah, decisions...
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