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On 953 lists and 565 people have done it.
my company gathered money for Ukraine, spent some money
my company gathered money for Ukraine, spent some money
Center for Disaster Philanthropy - COVID-19 Response Fund
I donate to ACLU and DonorsChoose
spend money to wikipedia, a great organization (used by so many people)
10.01 Fundacja Viva
5.01 - Fundacja Wolna Syria
LLG Switchboard

1st February
Unicef (NY Marathon)

Elephant Nature Park + cats in Thailand
Small monthly donation to WWF.
...If I've got the extra money to go around doing 100 random things, then I should be able to spend some of that on charities
I donated to Red Cross August 7th, 2012

I regularly donate clothing, money to various charities.

I believe that the secret to wealth is to give to those who are not wealthy.
i donate to the aspca
I chose to donate money to http://40days.bloodwatermission.com/.

It was mission to bring awareness of the lack of clean water in Uganda. I drank nothing, but water for 40days during the season of Lent.
Movimento 1euro (15/03/2012)
Donated money to the Humane Society
Donated to Almost Home Rescue of Maine... they rescue and foster dogs until they can find permanent homes. http://www.almosthomerescue.net/about
Completed 12/5/11
Christchurch Earthquake and Canteen
Cēsis. Labestības diena 2011.
donated to mental health charity
?2.50 to Livestrong.
?1 to Cancer Research.
?1 to local hospices.
donated a bit to St.Jude's children fund.
donated $2 to a local football team
BRIS - Barnens r?tt i samh?llet
Donated money to the Food Bank on 12/5/11
21.11.2011 - looking into a charity