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Take a photo every day for a month
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On 411 lists and 53 people have done it.
I joined an instagram challenge to take a picture everyday. There was a few days I missed out because of other engagements, but I decided to accept my try for this goal. I could have completed it at the time, but the photos would have been subpar. For the pictures I did upload, there was a great deal of effort, creativity and time to manage.
start on the 1/03/2018
Here's a little sample of the month... I'm going to try and keep this up for the year.
Travelling around America after a second summer at camp, I have easily taken a photo every day for the entire 30 days!!
With the holiday I had, this wasn't hard to do!
Did this in April 2014 and created a Powerpoint with them all... Loved it :-)
... and make a video of it with one photo per second!
all on Facebook - so far 13 or 14 I think...
15.1. Knabberli and Schlofmützli (mice)
14.1. bird in the garden
13.1. my tea break
okay, mixed dates again - of course the last two were taken 11.1. and 12.1. ...
11.1. sunset while walking the dogs
10.1. Sarah's birthday table
09.1.: sunrise at the river (Facebook)
10.1: Rusty in his new basket ( Facebook)
Nov 7 Keke and Ny
Nov 8 Keke and I
Nov 9 Keke
Nov 10 myself
Nov 11 Keke
Nov 12 Jamariya