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Visit 10 different museums
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On 187 lists and 44 people have done it.
7. National gallery- London
6. Cat museum in kotor, hilariously naff
2.The life centre in Newcastle, they had a video exhibition on . We were in our element.

3. Fort Elmo - Malta fascinating great day with Mike

4. Knights Hospital Malta - loved the great halls could imagine all the patients

5. Malta experience - history very interesting,
1. House of marbles Exeter- not exactly the British museum but ok. Liked all the really old toys.
8. British museum

9. Victoria and Albert museum

10. National history museum
1.Kuntiakadeemia Muuseum

2. kunstimuuseum raekojaplatsil

3Toomkiriku tornud




7.KGB kongid

23/03/14 - Stapfenhaus, Lenzburg
10/10 - St. Basil's Cathedral museum (Moscow, Russia). Aaaand - DONE!
9/10 - Schönbrunn palace (Vienna, Austria)
8/10 - Kunsthistorishes museum Wien Neue Burg (Vienna, Austria Austria)
7/10 - Kunsthistorishes museum Wien (Vienna, Austria)
6/10 - Kaiserliche Schatzkammer Wien (Vienna, Austria)
5/10 - Schmetterlinghaus (Vienna, Austria)
23/09/13 - Paul Klee Museum, Bern

29/09/13 - Historisches Museum, Bern - Qin Ausstellung
4/10 - temporary exhibition at Pushkinsky art gallery (Moscow, Russia)
3/10 - Rheinisches Landesmuseum (Trier, Germany)
2/10 - Postmuseum (Vaduz, Liechtenstein)
1/10 - Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum (Vaduz)
1) Science Museum

2) War museum

3) Manchester museum

4) Eureka! Children's museum

5) Media museum

6) People's history museum

7) Techniquest

8) National Railway Museum

9) Jorvick

10) Tate Modern

11) Museum of London

1. MIM - w/Margaret, very cool! It's the world's largest musical museum.

2. Phoenix Children's Museum - w/Kaleen, not that great. Indianapolis' children's museum is much better.

Yokohama museum of art

Peranakan Museum

Asian Civilizations Museum

Royal Ontario Museum

Nissan Museum

Montreal Fine Arts Museum
Vapriiki museum, Tampere
Vapriiki museum, Tampere
1. Th Museum of Women in Art

2. National Gallery of Art

3. Art museum in Maine
1. Menello Museum
2. Dali Museum
Page Museum Labs, Melbourne Museum, Victoria Nat'l Gallery (Ron Mueck), Getty Center (DaVinci)
exploratorium, kidspace, natural history, getty, la brea, observatory
Sam Noble, Science Museum OK,
4 down, 6 more to go!
Teknisk Museum, Oslo
Writer's Museum, Edinburgh
Museum of War, Edinburgh
26 September 2010 National Maritime Museum, Greenwich visited.
26 September 2010 Royal Observatory Museum, Greenwich visited.
19 October 2010 Sir John Soane's Museum, London visited.
24 October 2010 Natural History Museum
24 October 2010 Natural Portrait Gallery
25 October 2010 British Museum
19 (...more)
- Believe it or not -> Kopenhagen
- Andersons -> Kopenhagen
- Tower -> Kopenhagen
- Mennello museum

- Orlando Museum of Art

- Science Museum of Minnesota

- Winter park historical museum

- Art Car Museum (Houston)

- Menil Collection (Houston)

- Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum (Houston)

- Cy Twombly Gallery (houston)

- San Jacinto Monument and Museum of History (Houston)

- Austin (...more)
- Forum Musea