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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🏞️ Visit Mesa Verde National Park COLORADO / Visit 5 museums / 🦇 Visit Carlsbad Caverns National Park NEW MEXICO / Visit 10 different museums / Go to five different museums / Visit 5 different museums / Go to 3 different museums / Visit five museums / Attend 10 concerts / Visit the Gettysburg National Military Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit a new museum / Visit the Library of Congress WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit 10 Museums I have never been before / Go to 10 different museums / Visit five different museums / Visit and explore Washington / 🐅 Go to the Toronto Zoo CANADA / See the Hoover Dam/gamble in Vegas on the same day NEVADA / Visit every museum in my city / Visit Salem / Visit the Biltmore Estate NORTH CAROLINA / Take a ghost tour of Savannah GEORGIA / 🏰 Visit Alnwick Castle ENGLAND / Visit my state capitol / Visit the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas TEXAS / Take a vacation to London ENGLAND / 🏞️ Visit Wind Cave National Park SOUTH DAKOTA / Explore the Suomenlinna Maritime Fortress FINLAND / 🖼️ See the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum SCOTLAND / Visit the Naval Academy MARYLAND / Visit Vicksburg National Military Park MISSISSIPPI / Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art LOUISIANA / Visit the Museum of Death in Hollywood LOS ANGELES / Visit The Breakers RHODE ISLAND / Visit the New York Public Library NEW YORK / Visit Taliesin WISCONSIN / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / Visit Shiloh National Military Park TENNESSEE / Visit Witch Dungeon Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Akron Art Museum OHIO / Visit the Denver Zoo COLORADO / Tour the Newport mansions RHODE ISLAND / 🌄 Visit the Archaeological Monuments Zone of Xochicalco MEXICO / Go to Helsinki / Visit the Kansas State Capitol KANSAS / Visit Ashmolean Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Denver Mint - the single largest producer of coins in the world COLORADO / Visit BBC Broadcasting House ENGLAND / Visit Delaware Art Museum DELAWARE / Visit the Wichita Art Museum KANSAS / Visit the State Capitol CALIFORNIA / Visit Botanica: The Wichita Gardens KANSAS / Visit the Oklahoma City Museum of Art OKLAHOMA / Visit the Kansas City Zoo KANSAS / Go to the Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit Puzzlewood ENGLAND / 🏰 Go castle-hopping in Schloss Linderhof GERMANY / Visit the Museum of Death LOS ANGELES / Visit Teotihuacan MEXICO / Visit the Atlanta History Center GEORGIA / Visit Waimea Valley HAWAII / Visit the Coca Cola Museum in Atlanta GEORGIA / Visit the Old Salem Museums and Gardens NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Cleveland Museum of Natural History OHIO / Visit Garfield Park Conservatory INDIANA / Visit Biltmore NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Nelson Mandela's prison cell at Robben Island SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Mary Todd Lincoln House KENTUCKY / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Visit Sedgwick County Zoo KANSAS / Visit the Dubuque Museum of Art IOWA / Learn about Dubrovnik's turbulent history at the Rector's Palace CROATIA / Visit the Duke Lemur Center NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Taliesin West in Scottsdale ARIZONA / Visit the Birmingham Civil Rights District ALABAMA / Visit the Getty Centre in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Hermitage TENNESSEE / 🏥 Visit the Glore Psychiatric Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Chicago History Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Civil War Park in Vicksburg MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Morgan Library and Museum NEW YORK / Attend the Kentucky Bourbon Festival KENTUCKY / Visit the Las Vegas Natural History Museum NEVADA / Visit the Cornish Colony Museum VERMONT / Visit Old Stone House Museum VERMONT / Visit Castle Halloween Museum WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum WYOMING / Visit the Little White House GEORGIA / Visit the Frederick Douglass House WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Chatham Railroad Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Worcester Art Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site INDIANA / Visit Kykuit NEW YORK / Visit Cincinnati Union Terminal OHIO / Visit the New York Times Building NEW YORK / Visit Glastonbury Abbey UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Chickamauga National Military Park GEORGIA / Visit Acoma Pueblo NEW MEXICO / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / Visit the Los Angeles Central Library CALIFORNIA / Visit the Texas State Capitol TEXAS / Visit Penitentiary Glen OHIO / Visit Wollaton Hall ENGLAND / Explore Warwick Castle ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum WEST VIRGINIA / Visit Astley Hall ENGLAND / Visit Constitution Hall in Lecompton KANSAS / Visit Strangers Hall Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Grignon Mansion WISCONSIN / Visit Middleton Place SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Broughton Castle ENGLAND / Visit the Boston Fire Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Palais des Nations SWITZERLAND / Visit the Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Central Islip NEW YORK / Visit Billings Estate CANADA / Visit the Zimmerli Art Museum NEW JERSEY / Visit Mansfield Reformatory OHIO / Visit the Zimmerman House NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Philadelphia Masonic Temple NEW JERSEY / Visit Tirol Castle (Castello di Tirol) ITALY / Visit Glessner House in Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond VIRGINIA / Visit Safaripark Beekse Bergen NETHERLANDS / Visit the Allegheny County Courthouse PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Kasteel de Haar NETHERLANDS / Visit Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Explore the Snake Museum in the Collège de la Salle BURKINA FASO / Visit the Naper Settlement ILLINOIS / Visit the Kansas Museum of History KANSAS / Visit Hagley Museum DELAWARE / Visit the John Deere Pavilion ILLINOIS / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Visit the Old Capitol Museum MISSISSIPPI / Visit Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument TEXAS / Visit the New Bedford Fire Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Battleship Cove MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Blanton Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Gibbes Museum of Art SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Knoxville Museum of Art TENNESSEE / Visit the University of New Mexico Maxwell Museum of Anthropology NEW MEXICO / Visit the New York State Capitol Building NEW YORK / Visit the Cylburn Arboretum MARYLAND / Visit the Honolulu Museum of Art HAWAII / Visit Minneapolis Institute of Art MINNESOTA / 🕵️♀️ Visit Portland's Shanghai Tunnels OREGON / Visit the Bristol Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Museum of South Texas History TEXAS / Visit the Hillwood Estate WASHINGTON, D.C. / Go on Ellicott City Ghost Tour MARYLAND / Attend the Natchez Spring Pilgrimage MISSISSIPPI / Attend the New York Harborfest NEW YORK / Visit Dexter Area Historical Society and Museum MICHIGAN / Visit Historic Hack House Museum MICHIGAN / Visit the Nebraska State Capitol NEBRASKA / Visit the Currier Museum of Art NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the USS KIDD Veterans Memorial Museum LOUISIANA / Visit the Portland Museum of Art MAINE / Visit the Annapolis Maritime Museum MARYLAND / Visit Charles Carroll House MARYLAND / Visit the Galesville Heritage Museum MARYLAND / Visit Maryland State House MARYLAND / Visit the Old Treasury Building MARYLAND / Visit Ashland, The Henry Clay Estate KENTUCKY / See the Museum of Armed Forces at Luanda ANGOLA / Visit Illinois State Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm KANSAS / Visit Reiman Gardens IOWA / Visit Jim Beam's American Outpost KENTUCKY / Visit the New England Civil War Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit the Bruce Museum of Art and Science CONNECTICUT / Visit the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site COLORADO / Visit Alele Museum & Public Library MARSHALL ISLANDS / Visit Museo De Las Momias de Guanajuato MEXICO / Visit Furness Library at University of Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA / Visit bonaventure cemetery / Visit the Bartow-Pell Mansion NEW YORK / Visit Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River DELAWARE / Visit the Museum of Transportation MISSOURI / Explore Bellefontaine Cemetery MISSOURI / Visit the Missouri Civil War Museum MISSOURI / Tour the General Daniel Bissell House MISSOURI / Visit Lori ARMENIA / Visit Trowbridge museum ENGLAND / Visit Grey Towers Castle PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art NEW YORK / Tour Michigan's state capitol in Lansing MICHIGAN / Visit Fort Amherst ENGLAND / Visit Tryon Palace NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the New York Historical Society NEW YORK / Visit the UW-Madison Geology Museum WISCONSIN / Visit Taliesin West ARIZONA / Visit Penns Cave PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / 🏛️ Visit the Maine State House in Augusta MAINE / Visit Watkins Museum in Lawrence KANSAS / Visit the DeBruce Center KANSAS / Visit Fort Delaware DELAWARE / Visit the DEA Museum, Arlington, VIRGINIA / Visit the Chicago Maritime Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Texas Prison Museum, Huntsville TEXAS / Visit the Casa Rosada presidential palace ARGENTINA / Visit the Enniskillen Castle Museum NORTHERN IRELAND / Visit the Wrightsville Beach Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Charlotte Museum of History NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House CALIFORNIA / Visit Roosevelt's Little White House GEORGIA / Visit Château de Loches FRANCE / Tour the Bureau of Printing and Engraving (The U.S. Mint) / Visit Château d'Angers FRANCE / Visit Château de Langeais FRANCE / Visit Château de Chinon FRANCE / Visit the National Museum in Windhoek NAMIBIA / Visit the Bongada Museum in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Submarine Force Library and Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit the Governor's Residence in Hartford CONNECTICUT / Visit the White Hall State Historic Site KENTUCKY / Visit the Wichita Sedgwick County Historical Museum KANSAS / Visit the Waveland State Historic Site KENTUCKY / Visit the Wells Fargo History Museum MINNESOTA / Visit the Arkansas River Historical Society Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site VIRGINIA / Visit the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Vermont State House VERMONT / Visit Lake Champlain Maritime Museum VERMONT /